The Right Moment Pt. II // Peter Parker

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Erasing Peter from my life seemed abrupt, even to me. Waking up the next morning, my head pounding from the amount of low-key sobbing I'd done the night before, my first thought was that I'd made a huge mistake. How could I honestly hope to survive without my friend? Sure, he'd shunned me after my own discovery that he had been lying about basically everything...

All it took was to follow that train of thought and I sighed in disgust and fell backwards onto the bed once more. Screw Peter. Screw him and all of his stupid secrets. He'd been intentionally feeding me lies for goodness knows how long, and when I found out by accident, he makes up some BS about intending to tell me the whole time? He probably just didn't want to lose his emergency first-aid option. I buried my face in the soft comfort of the pillow and screamed. 

I really wasn't in the mood to pay attention in Mr. Fulton's Kin class that morning, but five minutes after my little therapeutic release of frustration, my older brother busted into the room and shoved me repeatedly until I fell out of the bed and hit the floor with a thud. 


"Dad told me you have to ride to school with me today." He grunted, unimpressed. "Come on, you lazy piece of lint. I roll out in fifteen, and I do not intend on being late for first period."

"You have a spare, idiot! Why do you care?" 

"Because Casey Knowlton promised to tutor me, and when she leans down to write out equations for me to solve, I can see down her blouse." 

"You're disgusting, Ry." I groaned, rolling up onto my tail bone and pushing myself up from the floor. 

He shrugged and left, slamming the door behind him. I stood with my hands on my hips, trying to regain my bearings. When I glanced back up at the window, I met a familiar pair of brown eyes and froze, watching him also realize that we had made eye contact, before clumsily fumbling with the stack of books he was holding and crashing into the bedpost. It was a classic Peter moment that I normally would have cracked up at, but I suddenly found myself questioning if he was faking it. After all, how could someone like Spider-Man possibly be so clumsy? I shook my head and pulled the blinds shut.


  School was so horrible in itself that day that it made me forget all about Peter, and for that, I was exceptionally grateful. I fell asleep in first period, which earned me detention, spilled my entire tray of dissected shark onto the floor, and ran full force into Flash Thompson in the hallway after lunch, which I knew was going to come back to bite me in the butt later. But it wasn't until Ned slid up next to my locker at the end of the day that everything took a nose dive into the pits of chaos. 

"Y/N, do you know what's up with Peter?" 

"Did he cough up his sandwich when Liz winked at him again?" I shoved three textbooks into my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. "Because if that's all it is, Ned, that isn't even a strange occurrence anymore." 

"Y/N, he didn't even look at Liz today!" Ned's eyes were wide and filled with concern. "He couldn't answer the question that Mr. Hector popped on him in Chem, and he hasn't walked into something all day." 


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