Talk Nerdy to Me // Peter Parker

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I jumped as Peter snapped his fingers under my nose. "Are you listening to me?"

"No." I shrugged at his annoyed look.

"This exam is in two days, you know that right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Sunshine. I had absolutely no idea."

"You haven't even touched these equations, Y/N."

"Remind me again how these numbers are invading the alphabet?"

"They're chemical equations, genius." He shook his head at me. "You know that. Don't pretend to be dumb."

"I am dumb." I groaned slumped down onto the table. "I hate Chemistry so much I just wanna die."

I heard Peter sigh in defeat. He'd offered to tutor me a month ago when he noticed I'd been struggling to keep up in class, but the truth was that he was right: I wasn't dumb. I'd finally discovered this year how much I hated the sciences. Sure, I was decent at them, but I could never imagine using any of this every day for the rest of my life. I had lost all motivation.

"C'mon Y/N," Peter tried again, his long fingers pulling at my wrist, trying to untangle my arms from my face. "Just write this exam and it's over. You never have to take Chem again."

I glanced up at him; took in his brown-eyed plea. "Fine."

"Great!" His lips spread in a smile. I had to admit to myself that despite being labeled as a dork, Peter Parker was one of the cutest things I'd ever seen. "Where are you having the most trouble?"

"There," I pointed at a question in the textbook, but I continued before my tutor could respond. "And there. And over here. And this one. And everything we've ever studied."

Peter pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and gripped his pencil so hard that it snapped. I knew I was being difficult. I knew that he didn't deserve it.

"I need to take a walk," I pushed myself away from the table

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"I need to take a walk," I pushed myself away from the table. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Peter nodded and rubbed at his eyes with the heels of his hands. I couldn't bear to watch how frustrated he was becoming with me. If there was one thing he didn't deserve, it was having to put up with my bratty attitude.

I stepped quickly away from our table and into a denser, quieter part of the library. When I knew Peter was out of earshot, I groaned, pressed my back against a bookshelf and slid down to the floor.

So maybe I was lying to myself. Did I hate Chemistry? Absolutely. With a passion. But there was another reason I was unfocused: my tutor. Okay, so when I first met him, I would've tended to agree with the majority of the student population...Parker was awkward. He used too much hair product. He spent most of his time bent over homework or with his nose buried in a book.

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