I Hate Her! Part 2

Start from the beginning

After a few tries i finally gave up and just laid my back on her front "Fine! I took a photo of you." i said annoyed she smiled at me in victory and let me go, i glared at her and fixed my shirt and hair. "Why?" i then blushed a bit "I just think you'll be a great model." i mumbled she giggled "You want me to be your model?" i glared at her again "Psh no." i lied, i want her to be my model. I mean Lauren is beautiful and she looks even better with nature, it's a good combination. "Are you sure? I mean i can be if you want? If it makes you happy i'm willing to be your model even though i hate modeling." she said i looked at her confused. "Why are you willing to be my model if you hate it?" i asked she shrug and look down "I don't know, i just want to help you with your project and make you happy i guess." she mumbled, my lips turned into a smile but i hid it. I cleared my throat "You want to make me happy?" she nodded "Yeah i mean, i guess it's like a sorry for what i did to you in the past. You can torture me by making me model." i laughed and i saw her eyes sparkle. "Fine. But don't worry i'll take candid ones." she nodded "That'll be better." i smiled and stood up as i saw students arriving. "Okay well i'll see you later." i said before walking away.

Lauren's POV

Oh my god, i made her laugh and smile. That's new! I finally made her smile and laugh. It took me a while to do that. In all honestly, if you can't tell already, i like the girl. I've started liking her since we were 12, i must admit that i felt horrible doing those bad things to her but i really love her face when she gets mad. She's just so adorable! But i knew i had to stop before she fully hates me, i mean i still probably have a chance to create a friendship between her and i right? When i got here and saw her again, her beauty blew me away. She's really gorgeous, puberty did a really good job. It made me fall in love with her even more, and i've made a sacrifice by being her model just to make her happy. I honestly hate modeling, it's not my thing. But i'll do it for Y/N, because i want to be close to her all the time.

When i saw Normani i smiled and walked to her "Hey Mani!" she turned around and smiled "Oh hey girl!" we then hugged. "What's up?" she asked i sighed "I like someone, well since we were 12." i said she smiled "It's Y/N isn't it?" i nodded "Yeah... but she hates me. I don't know if she'll give me a chance." i said frowning "Nonsense, she doesn't hate you Lauren. Have you asked her?" i shook my head "I can tell by her face, i don't need to ask her." i said she sighed "Look, i bet you she will tell you she doesn't hate you. Just ask her and you'll know if i'm right or wrong. Probably tell her how you feel too." i then felt nervous.

- After School -

When we got to her room which where i sleep too i sat on my bed and looked at her nervously as she fixes her things. I've been silent through the whole ride from school and i could tell she was confused, she's been glancing at me. "Okay, tell me what's wrong. You haven't said anything since we got out of school, and that is weird cause you normally annoy me. Are you sick?" she asked me i chuckled and shook my head "No... i was just thinking." i said she looked at me confused but nodded "Okay? About school?" she asked "No... about a girl." she stopped moving then looked at me. "You like someone?" she asked i looked at her and nodded "Yeah." she smiled and nodded "That's great! Are you gonna tell her?" she asked "I'm too nervous to tell her. Cause i know she hates me." i said giving her a hint. She shook her head "Probably not, well unless you did something stupid to make her hate you." she said shrugging.

I took a deep breath and look at her "Do you hate me Y/N?" i asked she looked at me and sighed "Lauren..." she started i then felt nervous "I don't hate you." she said and i felt relieved. Thank God. "Sure you did horrible things to me when we were kids but, that was in the past. I think it's time to move on, since we're both teenagers now and we both know if we're doing something stupid." i nodded "But i will give this..." she said pointing to her me and her "a chance if you promise me not to fuck it up." i smiled and laughed, i nodded "So we can be friends?" she smiled, ANOTHER SMILE! "Sure." she said nodding i smiled happily and hugged her tight. She laughed and hugged me back "Thank you and i'm sorry!" i said she cuddled her face to my neck and smiled "I forgive you." she said all of the sudden i just went in and kissed her.

We both gasped and pulled away "Shit, i'm sorry!" i said covering my lips, we stared at each other and i honestly don't know what going in her mind right now. Oh fuck! You blew your chance Lauren! good job! Now she'll regret giving you another chan- her lips met mine again and i moaned at the sudden impact. She cupped my cheeks and kissed me deeply and i placed my hands on her waist pulling her closer to me, my heart was beating so fast and i think she can hear it. She slowly pulled away and connect our foreheads together, she sighed "Can i be honest with you?" she told me quietly, "Sure." i said she wrap her arms around my neck and sighed "I know you like someone Lauren but i like you." i stood there frozen. She likes me back?! Well fuck! I thought it's all fucked up but no! I DID IT! I made her admit it!

"Shit, i'm sorry. This is ridiculous." she said pulling away from me, i stared at her still shocked "You like someone and i just...kissed you. And you probably hate me right now for kissing you, well just think that this was a practice for her okay? I'm sorry." she said freaking out. I laughed "Why are you laughing?" she asked running her fingers through her hair, i smiled at her sweetly and cupped her cheek "Cause you look so cute." i said pecking her lips. "I'm confused." she whispered i caressed her cheeks and look at her lovingly "I had feelings for you since we were 12 Y/N. I liked you ever since." she then stared at me "Really?" i nodded "Yeah. My feelings towards you just grew when i saw you again." i said she nodded "I started to like you when you came back." she said we smiled at each other and laughed. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked me as she held my hands, intertwining our fingers. "Cause i thought you hated me." she sighed "You never asked except for today." i nodded "I know, but now i know right?" she smiled and kissed me again. "So can i take you out now?" i asked her she laughed "Sure." i smiled and hugged her tight. Finally! I grew some balls and made us happen!


A/N: One of my favorite imagine. There will be no Part 3, sowwy.

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