"Want to get in the water?" Grayson asks. I nod my head and run towards the ocean. I get in before Grayson.

He goes behind me and brings me close to his chest. My cheeks heat up when I feel his hard on my butt.

"I'm horny" he mumbles making me laugh. It's way funnier because he's never said something like that to me.

"I can feel" I say and turn around.

"It's awkward now..."

"Not really, I get it. Umm maybe I can help you?" I nervously say. He stares at me and shakes his head.

"It'll go away" he says

"Okay" I smile.

We end up swimming and playing around for around 40 minutes before I tell him that I'm hungry. We leave and walk inside the house. Ethan is in the kitchen and so is Melissa, I don't know where Bryant and Emma are. They're probably up in their room.

I can hear music playing as soon as we step in. I place my things on the couch and make my way up to the room. I need to change because I feel gross.

I go to my bag and grab some underwear a sports bra, shorts and a hoodie. I make my way to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I wash my hair and body. I step outside of the shower and groan when I realise I didn't bring a towel.

"You're really smart Sophia" I shake my head and try to cover myself. My boobs are small so my arms can cover that. I open the door and walk outside. I run to my bag and grab a white towel.

"Babe do yo-"

I look up and see Grayson staring at me. My body freezes and I just stare at him. He turns red and shuts the door behind him. I can feel air touching my skin and I come into reality. I wrap the towel around me and walk inside the bathroom.

I change into my clothes and I try to not be red. He just saw me naked. I know it isn't a big deal because we've been together for two years, but for me it is. I'm not used to a guy seeing me completely naked. I don't even think anyone has. From what I remember I was never naked in front of Bryan.

I walk back out and see Grayson laying in bed with his head tilted up at the ceiling. He's playing with thumbs.

"I'm sorry you saw me naked" I mumble. He looks at me and smiles.

"There's no reason to be sorry, you are my girlfriend...." he says. I nod my head.

He frowns "Did you not want me to see you naked?" He asks.

"No, it's because no one has ever seen me naked so yeah, I'm just awkward about it" I explain and he nods his head.

"I thought Bryan has seen you?" He asks

"No he hasn't"

"Weren't you together for a year?" He asks. I don't know why I'm getting annoyed.

"That doesn't mean anything." I reply.

"I just thought he has. I'm sorry if my question are bothering you" he whispers.

"They aren't bothering me. I just don't like talking about him" I sit down on the bed and grab my phone. I go on my contacts and decide to text my mom.

"Why are you on you phone?" I look up and see him standing up now.

"Because I want too" I say obviously.

"You're always on your phone" he chuckles.

It's like he wants to start a argument. He's sounding bitchy. He just has that tone in his voice that I've gotten used to.

"I'm not. If I am it's because it's something important" I say. I roll my eyes and text my mom hi.

"Who's important? Your friend Kj, or Justin or are you talking to Bryan again?" I glare at him and groan.

"Yeah, because at least they don't hurt me all the time and aren't jerks, so that's why they're way more important. Now if you're going to continue being a bitch and wanting to start arguments I will leave. I don't want to argue with you anymore. I won't let you and your dumb argument ruin my mood" I say and stand up. I leave the room and shut the door behind me.

He always has to starts fight in random moments. Just when everything is going well.


What do you guys think about Grayson? Do you think he's being a bitch??

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