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Sophia POV

"So do you want to wear the red dress or the black one?" Emma the stylist asks as she holds up the two options for me. I look back and forth at the dresses before I decided to wear the black one.

"Thank you" I say as she hands it to me. I grab the pair of high heels I choose as well. My moms anniversary will be in a month and since their making a party I decided to buy a new dress.

I literally own like three dresses. I say my goodbyes to everyone in the store before I pay and make my way to my car. I get in and drive off to my place.


Me and Bea are currently standing in a crowd around the one and only Alex. There's people taking pictures with him. Bea and Alex have been dating for almost three months already...of course I'm the third wheel when it's just us three.

Soon enough everyone leaves and the three of us continue to walk around the pier. Bea and Alex hold hands as I take pictures of random things.

"So are you coming to coachella Sophia?" Alex asks. I glance at him and I nod my head with a small smile.

This will be my first time going to coachella. I asked Bryan if he wanted to come and he said yes. I was happy because that means I'm not gonna have to third wheel.

We continue talking about what hotel we are staying in and how we're gonna get there. I tell them that my dad owns a house close to where Coachella will be happening. We agree that Alex will drive the three hours.

We go inside a small restaurant and have lunch. After lunch Alex tells us that some of his friends are gonna meet us at the beach.

As we walk to the beach I text Bryan.


Where are you going?

I'm going to the beach with Alex and Bea.

I thought you were coming over tonight?

I told you I couldn't


Yes Bryan.

Why? I want to be with you.

I never hang out with my friends anymore. I'm with you all the time, you'll survive.

I'm going to the beach.



I roll my eyes and put my phone in my pocket. I know I might sound like a bitch, but I seriously just wanted to be away from him. I'm seriously with him everyday. I don't know why he can't understand that.

"Hey are you ok?" Bea asks as Alex walks away to buy some water bottles. I sigh and nod my head.

"Bryan is just being...Bryan. I told him I didn't want to be with him today but he says he's coming anyways" I explain. She sighs and pulls me into a hug.

"It's okay, if he bothers you I'll kick his ass" she says and pats my back. I giggle and nod my head.

Alex comes back and we walk down to the shore. There's a huge tree trunk on the corner. As I walk behind the two of them I bite my lip as I remember me and Grayson sitting in that trunk that night.

"I'll always be here for you, never ever doubt that Grayson" I say and smile. He lets me go and look at my eyes then down at myself.

"I don't know why I'm doing this" he mumbles. I frown and I'm about to say what he's talking about but his soft lips stop me.

My eyes widen a bit, my body and heart stop for a few seconds before I kiss him back.

He puts his hands on my cheeks and pulls me closer. His lips are soft and so kissable. We break the kiss and look at each other before we smile.

"SOPHIA!" I look up and see Bea staring at me with a frown. I sigh and take the water bottle that she's handing me.

A few minutes later I see a group of people walking down to were we are. I smile as I see some of my friends...but my smile disappears as soon as my eyes land on a very familiar face.

I feel everything around me stop. My heart stops beating for a moment. I can feel myself wanting to run or hide. I glance at Bea who's looking at me.

"I'm sorry" she mouths before she gets up and starts say hello to everyone.

At this point I don't know what to do. He hasn't seen me but Ethan has. Ethan smiles at me and I slightly smile back.

I say hi to my friends before I sit back down. There's no way I'm saying hi to him.

I look down at my lap nervously hoping that he already saw me and that he'll just ignore me. I look up and I catch him staring at me. I bite the inside of my cheek as I see him standing next to a tall blonde girl with crystal blue eyes.

"Sophia Bryan is here" Bea mumbles. I look around and see Bryan walking up to me. He smiles and winks before he says his to everyone.

"Hi babe" he says as he leans down and kisses my lips. I don't even kiss him back I just stare at him, with anger.

Everyone starts talking and snapchating. Bryan sits next to me and places his arms around my waist. I look down and bite my lip.

"Why are you mad?" He whispers in my ear. I look at him and frown.

"Don't ask me stupid questions" I say. He sighs and tries to kiss me put I move my head. I knows people saw that, but I don't care.

"Alright let's play never have I ever!" Ethan shouts. Everyone sits down in a circle. I want to stare at him so bad but I know that'll make things worst.

Ethan goes first and says never have I ever ate rotten food. Ethan, Grayson, Alex, Bea, James, Aaron, Luna say I have while Bryan, Lycia, Vanessa and I say never.

It keeps going on for a while. Some of the questions are so stupid but funny at the same time. Some event get exposed because they have done the stuff. Every time I hear Grayson voice I feel my insides going crazy. I don't know what I'm feeling.

I honestly never expected to see him this soon.

"Bryan your turn" Lycia says.

"Never have I ever taken someone's virginity" he says. I bite my lip and stare at him. I know what he's trying to do.

I'm surprised when Grayson doesn't raise his hand. Bryan on the other hand does. Everyone stares at me and they start howling.

"Bryan be getting it" Aaron says.

I'm praying that he doesn't say something stupid.

"Ohh I am" he says and looks at me before he kisses my lips. I can feel my blood boiling with anger.

I get up and push him away.

"Babe stop being a brat" he says.

"Shut the fuck up Bryan" I angrily say before I walk away.

devoted 2. || grayson dolanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora