Chapter Fourteen

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Your POV

The moment my mum turned around from the girls, I was finally able to see the face that matched with her voice. She had the usual loose high bun that made it easier for herself to not be bothered by her hair being in her face. Anyone could tell just by looking at her face, it screamed out tired with the slight eye bags but she looked relatively well for a mother at forty seven. It reminded me of the time when mum would come home late because of work.


Sitting on the couch being fully immersed into my book The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, I heard the front door open and close softly. It wasn't the first time I had ever been up so late reading a book on a weekend but I couldn't help but worry about my mum. Like who wouldn't if they saw their mum work from six in the morning to eleven at night. 

Hearing footsteps coming closer to the lounge room, I go back to my page and continue on reading. I can feel her presence oozing from the door way but I didn't dare to speak or give her a glance. Hearing a sigh coming from her direction, I saw her figure getting more clearly at the corner of my eye and felt the couch dip from where my foot was.

"What did I tell you about being up this late Y/N?" I placed my book mark in my book and closed it, leaving it on my lap to give my attention to my mum. 

"I could say the same mum," she tried her best to keep her eyes open as I continued on, "you should probably head to bed. I do believe you have to wake up early for tomorrow for work." She nodded her head and moved over towards me to give me a kiss on the temple. 

As she walked upstairs, I sighed at my mum's state. She clearly wasn't able to function like this on a daily basis. It hurts to see that my mum was so broken day after day from work, draining everything out of her. I told her that she could work less hours since I have a job to help pay for our things but my mum being stubborn wants me to use my own money for other things. 

Still sitting on the couch, I reach for a notebook on the coffee table and flip to a new page. Even though I'm still young, it felt right to write this letter to explain how I really felt about my mum's situation.

Dear Mum,

There's so much in this world that I wished I could have ventured with you. As a fifteen year old I could see that you are the most strongest person I will ever know in this world. You take care of the both of us and I see you struggle but you always persevere for the sake of us living. 

Even though I told you I just got a job recently in the beginning of the year, I've actually have lots of money stored under my bed. I'm fully aware that it isn't a safe place to leave something so valuable in my room but I've been secretly paying off some of the electricity and water bills for the past month without you knowing. Who knew babysitting kids after school would allow me to partake into the adult world?

You're probably wondering to yourself when did I even pay for the bills and honestly you've been too tired to pay attention. I'm not writing this because you never paid any attention to me when you get home from work but what you should get out of this note is that you need to live the life. Live life to the fullest with me. I don't care if you miss my basketball games or my track competitions but seeing you come home exhausted and barely able to keep a conversation with me makes me worried. Hopefully you understand what I'm saying is to take a break from work and let's have an outing just the two of us one day.

I love you mum, 


I debated to whether or not to rip it out to throw it away or to keep it in the notebook and give it to her one day. I heard my phone go off, telling me it was midnight so I sprinted to mum's room to place the notebook on her bed side. 

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