Chapter 12- iSchool

Start from the beginning

"Wait," I barely whispered, and they both turned to look at me.

"I need you to understand something. If you ever want to come back with a supportive attitude, then I might be willing to forgive the mistakes you made throughout my childhood and adolescence. But until then, don't, and I mean DO NOT, contact us. As far as I'm concerned, I haven't had a mother in my life since my dad. I don't need you. Goodbye, Pam." With that, I didn't wait for her response. I walked over to my bedroom and shut the door. And that's when I let myself cry fully. I wasn't surprised she didn't support me. But how dare she. She's been receiving money to support me and spending it on who knows what, probably drugs, alcohol, and her boy toys. I despise her. She's dead to me. I couldn't help but think how fortunate Freddie is to have Crazy in his life. And at least now I have a semi-normal mother figure to look up to.


I escorted Sam's mom out of our apartment and made my way to Sam's room, where her sobs echoed through the closed door. Despite the urge to rush in, I knew she needed space to process everything. I felt grateful that my mom had been supportive of our relationship. Setting an alarm on my pear phone for an hour, I decided to give Sam some time alone and wandered around the apartment, grabbing another beer. How could Pam be so heartless? I knew Sam struggled financially, often relying on Carly for essentials, but I hadn't realized the extent of it. Guilt gnawed at me for every time I'd turned her down for help.

Determined to make things right, I, Fredward Karl Benson, vowed to provide for and give Samantha Joy Benson the life she deserved. I promised to uncover her dreams and help make them a reality. She was everything to me—beautiful, smart, and she was mine. I wouldn't let her down. Tomorrow, we'd face the entire school, but together, we could handle anything.

When the alarm sounded, I approached Sam's bedroom and knocked softly. "Sam, can I come in?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied. Opening the door, I found her lying on the bed, clutching her stuffed giraffe.

"Hey, baby. You okay?" I asked, sitting beside her. A weak smile tugged at her lips.

"I will be. Thank you for standing up for me and giving me space to process," she said softly.

"Of course, Sam. I love you, and don't let your mom's words get to you. She's just bitter and jealous. We'll get through this together," I reassured her with a gentle smile.

"Freddie, what did I do to deserve such a supportive husband?" she chuckled softly, and I leaned in to kiss her forehead.

"You didn't have to do anything, Sammy. I've always been here for you. I love you for who you are. Now, let's get some rest before tomorrow," I said, tucking her into bed.

"Okay. Goodnight, Fredhub," she murmured, her eyelids drooping. I pressed one more kiss to her forehead before leaving.

"Sweet dreams, baby. I love you," I whispered, closing the door softly behind me.

Returning to my room, I felt a mix of emotions—gratefulness for Sam, determination to make things right, and a deep sense of love. With her by my side, facing the challenges ahead felt less daunting. Together, we would conquer whatever tomorrow brought.


The sound of my alarm pulled me from sleep, and for a moment, I felt disoriented, unsure of where I was. It certainly wasn't Carly's bed. Switching off the alarm, I realized I was in our new apartment. School awaited, so I quickly got up, showered, and went through my morning routine in the bathroom. Opting for a casual outfit—Converse, shorts, and a tee that humorously declared "lover of ham"—I followed the enticing aroma of bacon to the kitchen.

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