"We should take advantage of his late start this morning and use what time we have to our advantage." Katherine urged, a smile tugging at her lips as she tried hard to appear serious.

Ox wasn't able to fight his own smile, which widened still more. "You don't have to tell me twice, Miss Kate."

Katherine's laughter filled the room as Ox grabbed her quickly and tossed her onto her back, though her laughter quickly turned to moans as his body picked back up where they'd left off only a couple of hours before.


Colt stared down at Evangeline's sleeping form lying in the bed and felt his heart swell. He loved her. She was more than he deserved and yet she stood beside him anyway. She had seemed so worried the night before that he would not forgive her temper from two nights ago but there had been nothing to forgive.

If anything Colt had been terrified that she really had realized the man she was married to and would truly never want him again. Colt was a survivor and did what was required to keep living even if that meant doing things that turned the stomachs of everyone else.

He finished tightening his gun belt and then dropped to his knees beside the bed. Evangeline was on her stomach with her cheek smashed against the pillow and her lips parted. Drool was dripping onto the white fabric of the pillowcase and it made Colt smile.

Her petite body was bare of clothes and the sheet she was tangled in was just barely wrapped around her backside before weaving between her legs and giving him tantalizing hints of bare skin.

Gently Colt reached out a hand and let his finger trail across her cheek. "I love you." He whispered. She had no reaction other than to shift her head slightly, spreading her drool as she went. Colt fought back a laugh. Women were at their most beautiful while they slept.

"Lord, You and I don't speak often—" Colt whispered as he continued to stare at his wife's sleeping face. "—mostly because You never have seemed to help me out and I wasn't real sure You even existed.. I know You do now. I hope You're takin' good care of Sarah and Loralie up there and I hope that they aren't too ashamed of some of the things I've had to do since these monsters came.

"I want to thank You, Lord, for giving me Evangeline. A man wanders through this life, unsure of where he's supposed to go and just trying to do the best he can; never knowing what he's missing or what he needs until he finds it. She's my it, Lord, so thanks." Colt was about to stand when another through crossed his mind. "And, Lord, I reckon You don't much like it when folks commit suicide but maybe You could take it easy on Lily. You didn't give any of us much good to hold onto when this world went to hell and the way I see it, You gave her even less."

Satisfied that he'd said what he wanted to say, Colt stood straight and grabbed his hat off the bedpost. He could wake Evangeline up and insist they get the day started but she looked too peaceful. The woman had been exhausted when she had come to him last night and he hadn't allowed her to do much in the way of resting until nearly dawn.

A happy wife made for a happy life, or so Colt had heard said before. He figured another couple of hours wasn't going to make much of a difference .

He slid his hat on his head and slipped out the door without waking her.

Colt made his way first to the kitchen. He was hungry yet also wanted to look through the food stores here. Most of the supplies were packed up over in the warehouse but it wouldn't hurt to take stock of what was here at the brothel.

He stepped into the kitchen and instantly tried to back away when he found Charlotte and Silas wrapped in a passionate embrace beside the fireplace.

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