Chapter 1: Simple but to much

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A/N: just a warning, these characters were found on Google, they are not mine, I found them on google. 2nd, I'm using google translate for other languages, so if you are somehow fluent in one of these languages and I translated something wrong, tell me. Don't hate, I can't speak any other language but English. Anyways, enjoy my new book!:)  •Malibu in MM•
Malibu's POV:

"Malibu! Your flight leaves in 30 minutes!" My mother yelled from the other side of the door.
I groaned and got up and looked around my room. Everything was gone. I frowned slightly but got up and got my purse ready.
After getting everything together, I walked out and into the kitchen.
Oops, sorry, let me tell you about myself. Hi, my name is Malibu Sanchez. I'm Hispanic but I'm told I don't look full Hispanic. Im also curvy like my mother. I live with my mom and little sister. My father left us when I was born, at least that's what my mom told me. I'm 19 moving to London from Malibu, California.
My mother is not rich, our home is tiny and was bought by my grandparents because they said thy wanted us closer. However, I am thankful for what i have. When I was one, we lived in Puerto Rico, but when I was three we moved to Malibu.
No, I was not named after this beautiful place. I'm kinda sad I'm leaving here but I need a fresh new start. Malibu isn't supporting me in life and is nothing but drama and fights and other things. London has always been my dream place and I finally saved enough money to live there and I'm excited. Leaving my mother and little sister is sad, but I have to do what's best for me. I have no friends so there's no point on worrying about other people.

"Oh! Mi niña está creciendo" my mom exclaimed while a few tears fell from her eyes. (My little girl is all grown up)
"Mamá, siempre seré tu niña. Siempre puedes llamarme sabes Estaré bien madre" I said while wiping the tears away with my thumb. (Momma, I'll always be your little girl. You can always call me you know. I'll be fine mother)
She smiled softly,
"I know Malibu, just stay safe"
I nodded my head and looked down at my little sister.
"Big sissy will be home soon okay? You can always call me and talk to me. I love you Lola, be good for madre" I said before hugging my little sister. I kissed her cheek and stood up.
"I love you to Malibu and I will" she said softly. I smiled and gathers my bags.
I walked to my Uber that was waiting and put my stuff in. Before I got in, I looked back at my mom and sister and waved and blew kisses. They did it back making me smile. My mother was crying. Oh jeez, this kills me.
"Te amo mami" I yelled making her smile widely. (I love you momma)
"Te amo" my mother yelled back making me smile to.
I got in the uber and told the driver my destination and that was the airport.
Well, Malibu, here we go. New place, new me, new country, new life.
After a long plane ride I finally arrived and I'm now walking into my apartment.
I unlocked the door and walked in, smiling. The designers did good. Simple but cute like i asked for.
I smiled and walked into my room, sitting my bags down.
I decided to call my mom even though it's 11:00 at night there but it's 11:00 in the morning here. Time difference is big.
"Hola" she mumbled sleepily.
I chuckled softly,
"I made it safely momma. Just wanted to check in on you and tell you I'm fine"
I can feel her smiling,
"Thank you for calling me. I'm glad your safe, let me know how your day goes tomorrow. I love you" she said.
"I loved you to mami" I said before hanging up. She usually hates people waking her up since I left she's okay with it.
I decided to walk around London and check out some places that I can apply jobs for.

I've been walking around alittle bit and saw nothing.
I looked up from my phone and saw a really cute coffee shop that had a small homemade sign that side 'Now Hiring'.
I smiled and quickly ran in there. When I walked in nobody was here so I walked over to the desk.
An old lady popped up from the back and gasped.
"Oh I'm sorry if I scared you. I saw your sign and I really need a job" I said sweetly.
She smiled,
"Well my love, your hired. May I ask where you are from?" She asked in an British accent.
I smiled,
"The US. I came from Malibu, California but I was born in Puerto Rico"
She smiled and handed me a form and a work schedule.
"I saw you running across the street and I knew you were new here because you didn't see the closed sign. Your hired, just fill this out here and give it to me, love" she said with a big smile and pointing to the form.
I blushed and grabbed a pen and sat down to fill it out.

After about 20 minutes I was done. I smiled and handed her the form.
"I'm Linda but you can call me Lin. I'll see you on your first day" she said while smiling.
"You can call me Mal, and thank you, see you then" I said before walking out of the shop and back to my apartment building, which is about 4 blocks away.

I walked into my apartment and sighed, wow, I have a job!
I smiled and went and made me some dinner.

I was in the middle of making dinner when I heard a knock on the door.
I walked over and opened the door, there stood an attractive but scary looking guy.
He said nothing but handed me a note?
He nodded and walked away.
I furrowed my eyebrows and closed the door. Walking back into the kitchen, I opened the note and it read,
You are beautiful, моя любовь. Я не могу дождаться вас
That was it? What language is that. I decided to use google and it was a sentence in Russian? It said,
'my love. I can't wait to see you.'
Who is this?

Ignored it and finished making my dinner.
After I was done with eating, I washed the dishes and decided to watch tv.
All I could think about was the note.
Cuddled up, watching Midnight Texas made me quickly fall asleep.
Today was simple but to much.

A/N: chapter 1 is done! I hope you enjoy!:)
Love you my beautiful Daisies😘

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