Chapter Thirty-three

Start from the beginning

Once Grace was latched on and feeding happily, Charlotte smiled up at Silas. "I'm hungry."

"I hear this train has delicious muffins."

Charlotte smiled brightly and Silas chuckled as he slid into his shirt and boots. Then he kissed Charlotte's cheek and headed toward the door.

"Tea goes nicely with a delicious muffin." Charlotte called out, stopping him with his hand hovering over the door handle.

Silas bowed his head as he turned to face her. "Whatever you want, Miss Charlotte, it's yours. All you have to do is ask."

"I want you, me and Grace to always be this happy." Charlotte replied, her heart swelling at the look of love in Silas's soft brown eyes as he gazed at her.

"I think that's pretty much a guarantee, Miss Charlotte." He assured. "Now I'm off to the kitchen for some tea and a delicious muffin."

Charlotte smiled down at Grace once Silas was gone and kissed her suckling angel on the brow. "Your pa loves us very, very much."

Charlotte laughed lightly as Grace's chest worked hard, her breathing labored. "Slow down there, Little Grace. I know you're hungry but you have to breathe."

Charlotte rested her back against the wall and smiled as she thought about the perfect little family this terrible new world had given her.


Colt stood in the tiny water closet in his room and stared intently at his reflection in the mirror. His hand rubbed against the smooth skin of his chin, passing over the small pail scars he'd earned in fistfights over the years.

It had taken nearly an hour to remove every bit of that thick beard from his face but it was gone now and Colt had to admit that his face was noticeably less itchy without its presence. Why had he shaved it? Because Evangeline hadn't seemed to like it when she had kissed his cheek the previous night. Would he tell anyone that that was the reason he had gotten rid of the beard? Hell no he would not.

Damn but that woman was like a poison that had invaded his blood. She filled his mind and he couldn't seem to go more than a few minutes at a time without some thought of her entering his head. Before he made any decision, (even shaving his face), he gave thought to Evangeline and what she would think. But it wasn't her mind that had had him up all night, tossing and turning and unable to sleep... No it was the way her tiny hands had felt as they'd rubbed his sore muscles and the way those dainty fingertips had left behind flames and burning embers in their wake as they had caressed the bare skin of his chest.

Hell, Colt had never felt anything like this in his life. That damn woman was under his skin, in his blood, filling his head. Growling he shoved himself away from the mirror and left the water closet. Donning his vest and gun belt, Colt strode from his room and down the hall, making his way through both passanger cars before he came to the dining car and found it full of passengers.

Including her. Evangeline.

"Damn Colt!" Frankie exclaimed with a snort from where she sat perched on a table, her feet resting in Comanche's lap. "You sure do clean up nice.'

Colt rubbed at his jaw and shrugged. "It was too hot." He scratched at his hair free chin and glanced over at Evangeline. "And itcy."

"Did you here that, Comanche? It was itcy. I wonder who he was itching with it."

Colt would be damned if he didn't feel a blush rise to his cheeks as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Who the hells driving the train?"

"Paleface, I do not believe Colt appreciates your insights as to what he and Evangeline spoke about in the engine room last night."

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