15. Multiples | IT cast

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When you realized you loved them



You stared across the set of 'IT' . Currently, Jaeden and Sophia were filming their own scene. Love scene. You scrunched up your nose and turned your head to look at Finn. Also known as Richie Tozier. The scene you had with him was next. "AND CUT! FINN, Y/N! PLACES!" the director yelled. You rolled your eyes and sluggishly walked over to your place. "Jeez, y/n, try to look more excited, am I that bad?" Finn chuckled, walking next to you. You immediately stood up straight and nervously laughed. 

While filming your scene, a requirement was to make direct eye contact with Finn. "You don't have to do this, lily. We're in this together." he said. Lily was your character's name.  He offered a warm smile. You suddenly forgot your lines as he looked at you. "I love you." He said. Richie said, not Finn. You gulped. "I-I love you to." Your character spoke. The same difference was, however, that you did love him. And you never knew until now. 


A part of you always knew you loved Sophia. you just had a hard time coming to terms with it and you didn't know why. You figured it was just because you didn't know what to think about your sexuality. "y/n, bring the popcorn." Sophia called from the floor. You chuckled because she was leaning against the couch. "yeah, i'm coming." you said, grabbing the bucket and sitting down next to her. "hey, hey." she said, nudging you with her elbow. "yes? yes?" you smiled, staring into her blue eyes. "you want a kiss?" she said, showing you a hershey's kiss from the palm of her hand. You nearly drowned in fear but calmed once you saw the small chocolate. "Thank you very much." you said, grabbing it from her hand. She immediately pushed your hand down and crashed her lips onto yours. It took you by tremendous surprise. "you're welcome." she smirked, pulling away from you. you stared, clearly still choked. 

It was confirmed. You loved sophia. 


"It's Naruto, you stupid idiot." Jaeden said, giving you a disapproving look as he grabbed the remote from your hand. "I don't watch anime" you stated, he gave you another disapproving look. "you're weird." He said, turning his attention back to the t.v and searching for 'Naruto' on netflix. "you're weird for even watching it." you snapped back. "I don't give a shit, we're watching it. Give me the blanket." He said. He'd never admit it, but he had a mad crush on you. and you were completely oblivious to the fact. As he watched his show, he laughed, got angry, got sad, then laughed again. It was an ongoing cycle. You just stared at him in complete awe. You knew you loved him when he turned to look at you after a few minutes, making direct eye contact with you. 


you knew you loved Jack from a one day you spent together. He was your best friend but the way he had planned out the entire day took you by complete surprise since he would always wing it. The first thing you had planned to do that day was take a picnic at the park, and you watched people walking by as you both talked about anything and everything. Once the serious talk was over, you both started making each other laugh so hard that you had fallen back on the blanket. You knew you loved him when you looked over at him, watching him laugh. You knew you loved him when you realized that there was absolutely no one else that could make you as happy as Jack did. 


You had always loved Wyatt, even though you were only best friends. You would just never admit to anyone but yourself, so you tried your best to hide it. You had, however, finally admitted it to Wyatt when you saw him with his new girlfriend. And Not to sound insensitive, but his new girlfriend was his second choice since Wyatt liked you to, but thought you'd never like him back. Without even realizing it, he began distancing himself from you. He had previously not talked to you for a week, and you were mad. So you stomped over to his house at 2 in the morning after seeing one his posts with the girl. He could post, but he couldn't talk to you? You knew you were being unreasonable but you just had to. 

You knocked on his door, knowing his parents were out of town, he immediately opened the door so you assumed he was already in the living room. you walked in, not waiting to be invited in, as he shut the door behind you."y/n?" he asked. "why, wyatt? why haven't you talked to me? you've been ignoring me and you've been so in tune with what's - her - face!" you yelled. He simply looked at you. "y/n, the truth is that-" "no! no! you don't get to explain yourself anymore! you were my best friend 2 weeks ago! what the hell happened?!" you cut him off. "y/n-" He started, but once again, you interrupted him. "Can't you see that I love you?!" you yelled. he froze. the words that he'd been waiting to hear for years were finally said. you quickly realized what you had said and froze as well. "no, i-" you started stuttering, but it was wyatt's turn to interrupt you. "I love you to." he said, not looking away from you. "why didn't you ever see it?" 


you were a really blunt person about most things, but you couldn't be with your feelings towards chosen and that's why you were so afraid of them. Sophia had been urging you to tell him about your feelings and you had finally decided that you needed to. 

With your phone in hand, you paced around the park bench nervously. You had texted Chosen and told him to meet you at the park because you knew this would be the only day he'd have off for the next weeks. now or never, right? 

"y/n, hey, love, what's up?" Chosen asked, approaching you. "love" was just something he had attached to calling you. It made your heart melt and your stomach flip. "well.. the truth is.." you trailed off. he stared at you with a concerned look. "chosenivealwayslikedorlovedyouidontknowbutimscaredofitsocopewithmehere" 

he stared at you with pure confusion. "what?" he asked. you breathed in deeply and exhaled. "i love you, chosen." you said, looking down at the ground. you were sure he was gonna just walk away but instead he smiled widely. "I know. You're not good at hiding it, but I am. And I was to afraid to tell you that I love you, y/n." he smiled before planting a soft kiss on your lips. 



how was this one? better? worst? definitely a lot longer. ah, thank you for 600+ reads! i love you all so much! 

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