06. wyatt imagine

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[ you walk in on wyatt and jack filming 'strange chemistry' ] 

     You were scrolling through instagram as you sat on wyatt's couch. Jack had been spending the night with you and wyatt for a few nights now since Wyatt's parents decided to leave town for a week. You had just waken up from a nap when you heard jack yelling at wyatt to start filming. "YOU HAVE TO GET IN YOUR POSITION, STUPIDASS. GO." Wyatt yelled. You chuckled and rubbed your eyes, still trying to adjust to the brightness of your phone. 

      you got up from your spot on couch and headed upstairs to see what they were up to and when you opened the door Wyatt and Jack immediately looked up at you in terror. 

     "WHY ARE MY BRAS ON YOUR HEADS?!" you yelled. Wyatt's facial expression remained scared but jack's face softened and he was soon laughing. "Want them back, y/n?" he asked. you just stared at him. "no, it's fine. just put them back when you're done." you calmly shrugged before walking out of the room. 

     "how is she so cool with it? my girlfriend would have KILLED me." you heard jack say. Wyatt didn't respond, instead, he ran out of the room and caught up with you. 

     "y/n! are you sure you're okay with this? i'll put them back, we'll use my moms." Wyatt said. "That's even worst." you laughed. "no, really. it's okay. just put them back when you're done." you finished. he smiled widely at you and kissed your lips softly. "i love you so much, y/n." he said into the kiss. "movie marathon after i'm done, got it?" he asked. you smiled and nodded before he kissed your nose and walked back into the room with jack. 

"oh, im so lucky." you thought. 


wElp , this was really bad and short but i'll do better next time, i promise! 

i had a lot of homework so i had to rush it. but i'm currently working on a lot more. comment down the people that you'd like to see more of !