Chapter 22 - You're a Wizard

Start from the beginning

The dragons had never even heard of a thing such as infernos. Now knowing that both another land and another species existed, they were even more curious and excited.

"Why don't we strike a deal?" Nircogard suggested, "If we allow you to cross over to our land, in return, you'll allow us to cross over to yours."

"An interesting deal. Allow me to discuss this with my people." Egitnafir turned back to her people. They walked back a bit and discussed silently among themselves. Once they came to an agreement, Egitnafir returned to Nircogard and said, "Alright, we agree to your terms. Lead the way."

So Nircogard did just that. When they reached Kricade, the Moltrogks were in awe. As Nircogard showed them around, Egitnafir explained how their people were overgrowing their land.

"It is cold here, but we are able to adapt." Egitnafir went on.

Nircogard knew what she was thinking, "If you wish for us to allow your people to live here with us, we'll ask the same out of you. Before we can make a deal like this, we'll need to see your land."

And so, once Nircogard finished showing the Moltrogks around, Egitnafir began to lead the dragons to their land. But before they reached the path between their lands again, the Moltrogks all turned around. Next thing Nircogard knew, he was met with the fury of Egitnafir's sword and her people's hammers, all at once.

Naito's eyes shot open. He was no longer in Kricade about to be struck down by savage Moltrogks. Instead, he was in the bath. Had he dozed off in the tub?

"Was that really me?" he asked himself. Never before had he had a dream that vivid. With his previous dreams about Nircogard, he couldn't recall them right after waking up. But this one was still painted clear in his head. He experienced it from Nircogard's eyes, and it felt as if he were really there in Kricade. Just what type of dream is that realistic?

Naito's dream felt as if it had lasted for weeks, but his bath water was still ice-cold. He pinched his nose and ducked his head under the water. He had to get used to breathing under cold water. There was no telling where Nircogard's corpse would be in Kricade. He might end up having to swim to the bottom of the ocean.

He lifted his head out of the water twenty minutes later. "A new record," he said to himself as he shook his wet hair.

"You have got to stop doing that, Naitey," said Alsen's voice.

Naito noticed her by the sink brushing her teeth. "How long have you been there?"

"About three minutes. Seriously, if anyone else had saw you like that, they'd think you were dead," she rinsed her mouth out before sticking her hand in his bath water, only to quickly retract it. "Ouch! How can you stay in there for so long? I think I got frostbite!" she sucked on her hand.

"It's not too cold for me," he said as he got out of the tub.

Naito pulled on one of his new t-shirts and pair of shorts before he went downstairs. Everyone else was still upstairs. He summoned Shadow then flicked the kitchen light on and poured himself a bowl of cereal. As he ate, he told Shadow about his dream.

"Remember what I told you on your birthday?" Shadow asked, "That your dreams of Nircogard are caused by your inner self trying to inform you of something you might not be fully aware of?"

"That has to be what's happening here. But why doesn't Nircogard just tell me whatever it is instead of giving me his memories?"

"I'm afraid I'm lost on that one."

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