Chapter 3 - Happy Birthday (Part 1)

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Author's Note: Due to the massive size of this chapter, I had to split it into two parts to make it more readable.

Palpable silence plagued the halls as the three siblings walked through the corridor. Cosena heard their footsteps behind her, but still she glanced over he shoulder for reassurance. Their feet barely left the floor as they walked. Alsen's arms were wrapped around her chest with her eyes downcast. Naito held his crown in front of him, staring at it expressionlessly.

"Keep your crown on, Naito. Everyone's sure to be waiting for their king." Cosena turned around and waited, but Naito stood motionlessly, asides from the occasional tremble of his hands.

Cosena sighed. Gently grabbing Naito's wrists, she motioned his arms to place the crown back on his head. "There you go. You look like our brave new king now." She let go of his wrists and smiled at him, patting him on the shoulder, allowing the crown to rest on his head.

"He looks silly." Alsen said, faking a weak half smile. Cosena knew she was just trying to lighten the atmosphere.

Naito squinted his eyes shut and balled his trembling hands into fists. "How can you call me brave...? I watched father murder a member of my empire..." he spoke for the first time since the coronation, his voice a barely audible, low whisper.

"It's not like this is the first time he's killed someone..."

Naito jerked to a sudden halt, causing the crown to fall off his head. Silence plagued the halls once more for a brief moment as they watched the crown roll until it came to a stop.

"W-what did you just say...?" Naito asked, his eyes wide with shock.

"N-nothing, I didn't say anything..." Cosena toyed with her braids like she always did when she told a lie or got nervous. Did she seriously say that out loud?

"Liar. We both heard you, Cosena. You've seen father kill people before?" Alsen asked, stepping in front of Cosena and looking up imploringly into her eyes.

"No, Alsen, that's not what I meant. Remember, father was present during Drazilwalnd's Demise. Obviously anyone who survived a war would have killed people, and now killing someone like that High Mage just comes naturally to him."

It wasn't a lie that she never actually saw their father kill anyone before now, but she wasn't exactly telling the full truth either. There was one time that he had her caged in his office and started talking to Zart about executing the High Mage's wives. He must have forgot she was there or thought she was asleep to discuss something like that with her present. What if Zephan interfered with the coronation to try and get revenge?

"I don't want to kill anyone..." Naito said. Alsen hugged him from behind, pressing her head against his shoulder.

"Naito, you won't have to. You're going to create an utopia where we can live alongside Illiterates in peace, not a dystopia. Don't forget mother's wish." Cosena placed her hands in his. It was their mother's dying wish for Naito to become king and rule over a new utopia. Naito had sensitive spots that Cosena knew just how to play to her advantage, and bringing up their mother was the biggest one.

"Y-Yeah...I'll make mother proud." Naito picked his crown up and put it back on his head, "Come on, we have a feast to attend." he lead the way, walking down the stairs three per step (although he had no idea where he was going so Cosena had to grab his hand and lead him the right way).

Boisterous conversation invaded Cosena's ears the second they stepped into the Dining Room. Such a grand space, it must have been twice the size of the Throne Room. Nearly six meters in front of them stood the head table, where Sartur and the other two High Mages sat, leaving just four empty seats. No doubt they were for Cosena, Alsen, Naito, and the deceased High Mage. Hanging on the wall above the table, a large framed painting of four teenage boys and a girl caught Cosena's immediate attention. Acting as a centerpiece, vases of roses sat in the center of each of the many tables. Split into four different, uniquely colored groups, every table was filled with a large variety of different foods, sending a savory aroma wafting into Cosena's nose. Dressed in robes that matched the color of their group, each soldier had a plate, napkin, glass, and set of silverware in front of them, but their plates and glasses were empty and no one was eating.

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