"My name is Jedidiah Gray, ma'am, and I don't mean you any harm."

"Forgive me for not welcoming you more openly, sir...." Rachel replied, still unsure if she should put her gun down.

Jedidiah waved his hand. "Nonsense! You can't be too careful in this day and age."

"I'm glad you understand. Is there something you need or are you going to be on your way now? I'm sorry I have no room for you here." Rachel knew the man would know she was lying. Her plantation home was quite large and she was the only person currently living here.

"I was hoping I could wait here, Rachel. I have some friends that will be joining me soon."

Rachel took a step back and her grip on the rifle tightened. "How do you know my name?" she demanded and Jedidiah chuckled. It was a good natured, full bodied chuckle that had a smile wanting to pull at her mouth despite her confusion and uncertainty.

"I know lots of things about lots of things." He replied vaguely. "I don't mean any harm to anyone though. I've just gotta wait here for my friends so we can take a trip together."

Rachel frowned. Was this man crazy? Or was he a member of a gang that planned on taking advantage of her? "Who are your friends?"

"There's quite a few of them, actually." The man replied as he swiped the dirty sleeve of his shirt across his face. "They are all on their way here even if they don't realize this is where they are coming. Ox and Evangeline are coming as well."

"What... How... How do you know Evangeline and Ox?"

"We're gonna go on us an adventure together." Jedidiah replied. Thunder sounded in the cloud filled sky above their heads. "Would you really leave an old man out in this coming storm?"

"I would." Rachel replied honestly. "I want to know how you know my niece and nephew. How did you know my name?"

"You won't believe me, Rachel. No one ever does."

"Try me." Rachel replied. Her mind was very open these days. That tended to happen when you found yourself surrounded by flesh eating monsters intent on eating your face.

"Truth is, Rachel, that I am a prophet of sorts. I know things that have happened in the past, I see glimpses of what is going to happen in the future and I am going to lead a group of folks to a sickness free land to the west full of promise and healing."

Rachel sat the butt of the rifle down on the wooden porch boards, gripping the barrel in her hand and leaning against it much like a cane. She ran her free hand over her skirt and blew a long strand of red hair from her face.

"Well, Jedidiah, I must say you have my attention. Lock your horse up in the barn and then come on in and get a cup of tea. I have some water heating."



April 1887

Comanche was very concerned about Frankie. It seemed she had either been sleeping or sitting and staring at nothing for the last four days since her uncle had been killed and they had found this cabin.

Thankfully their cabin had so far remained nearly flesh eater free. Only a couple straggling flesh eaters had shown up and Comanche had easily ended their lives and then dragged their bodies a good distance from the cabin before burning them. He had a feeling more would be coming soon however. They could only stay here so long before their scent would draw the flesh eaters in.

There was still a decent amount of food in the cellar and Comanche had managed to trap a few animals for fresh meat but he was getting eager to move on. Staying in one place had never been something he was good at, not since he'd gained his freedom after being prisoner to those white captors for so many years.

Once Bitten: Twice MadWhere stories live. Discover now