Chapter 13

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"Did you hear the new clinic building is for sale?" Lucas reached for the coffee pot and poured another cup

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"Did you hear the new clinic building is for sale?" Lucas reached for the coffee pot and poured another cup.

"What do you mean? The paint is barely even dry! I don't think they even have tenants for the rest of the spaces yet," Isaac said.

Jenna listened as she poured another round of batter into the waffle maker.

"Why is Evan selling? He was so excited about developing that space." Isaac knew there was more than one reason for that excitement. And it wasn't just about fiscal planning. There were rumours that Evan's girlfriend was going to move into one of the apartments above the retail space. He wondered if maybe Evan's wife had got wind of that particular part of the plan.

"The realtor told me Evan's going through a messy divorce and has to sell off the property to pay the settlement." Lucas shook his head. "I can't bring myself to feel sorry for the guy. He brought it on himself. But I am sorry that the space isn't being used. The downtown businesses could use some new blood."

Isaac carried the stack of waffles from the counter to the dining room.

Jenna had more questions for Lucas. "What kinds of businesses do you think would go in there?"

Lucas shrugged. "I think the clinic was planned as a kind of anchor. They've been looking for a bigger spot for a while. Beyond that, I'm not really sure. There are lots of things the town could really use."

Jenna agreed. A coffee shop and a craft store for starters. "Like a good coffee shop?" Jenna laughed. "I made the mistake of grabbing a coffee from the gas station the other morning."

Lucas didn't laugh. "Actually, it's funny you should say that. Don't say anything to anyone yet, but I've been working on a business plan for a coffee shop. I was hoping I would be able to rent space in that complex."

"Does Isaac know you're planning to move here?" Jenna didn't remember anyone mentioning it.

"No. I wanted to make sure I could find a space for the business, and then talk to him before I signed a lease. It's been a bit awkward with the way my sister treated him. But I only have one niece, and I want the opportunity to spend a bit more time with her."

Jenna figured there were a few ladies in town who wouldn't mind a handsome bachelor on the scene.

"I saw what you did with the website for the lodge," he said. "If I get the lease, is there any chance you'd be willing to do some work on a website for my coffee shop?"

Jenna handed Lucas the butter and maple syrup, and turned her attention back to the waffle iron, outwardly calm while her brain was whirling.

She definitely needed to take a trip into town.


Lucas prowled around the space while Jenna was next door with Shirley, the realtor. He had his own reasons for keeping his interest in the business space to himself. Right now, he was just glad to get out of the lodge for a while.

Isaac's sister wasn't exactly his number one fan, and he was tired of Shannon making faces at him behind his back. That woman sure could hold a grudge. The absence of her fiancé, Jackson, at Christmas dinner certainly hadn't improved her mood.

At the time, he had thought he was doing what was best for everyone. He hadn't wanted to be the one to tell Isaac about his sister's infidelities and be responsible for breaking up their family. After Isaac and Lauren split, he'd kept his distance while the dust settled, hoping his sister would wise up and realize that she had a good life with Isaac. But she never did, and with her about to remarry, he didn't think that was going to change anytime soon. The time had come for him to make some changes in his life. He wanted to know his niece better, and he felt like it was time to put down some roots. Where better than the town where he had grown up?

He had been working towards owning his own business for years. And this space was absolutely perfect.

Now they just needed someone to buy the building so the rental agreements could be put in place.

Lucas made his way over to where Jenna and Shirley were waiting for him.

"How's it going in here?" Lucas stuck his head through the doorway. "Have you seen everything you need to see?"

"Almost. Just give me five more minutes with Shirley, and then we can go."

Lucas could feel the excitement radiating off her. Whatever she was up to, he hoped it involved her sticking around. He hadn't seen Isaac this happy in years. 


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See you soon...xo CJ Hunt

xo CJ Hunt

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