Chapter 17 | Out of here

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"GAHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" I let out frustrated.
It was morning and I hadn't slept at all. I had really dark bags under my eyes.

I was throwing the pillows around the room, letting out weird noises from my mouth. I hit my head million times on the wall, waiting for the answers to come to me. But no. They didn't come ;-;
The room was a mess, books, pillows and other stuff were all over the floor.
I lay on the floor, looking at the ceiling.

Hehe... Cieling... I'm going crazy, aren't I??

"Sigh* kill me now, please." I muttered.
"Oh my, who might you be?!" I heard awfully familiar voice. "GRELL!!! I GET TO MEET YOU NOW?!?!?" I shouted when I sat up and saw her.
"Huh?! You know me???" She asked.
"Umm.. Well yeah, heh... S-see, umm.. Hmmm..  SEBASTIAN!! Yes, Sebastian has told me everything about you!" I said to her with a smile.
"REALLY!!! SEBBY-CHAN?!? I knew he loved me!!!" Grell was hugging herself.

Cute... X3

"Btw, what brings you here Grell??" I asked her, she rose an eyebrow. "Oh, I have been so busy that I haven't got a chance to see my Sebby-chan! But now I had free time, so I came to see him~!! But when I noticed you, I had to know why there is such a... Umm... 'pretty'??? Lady here." She explained, while eyeing me.

"I'm just a guest here! And Sebastian is all yours! I have already enough trouble with one guy..." I sighed annoyed.
"Hmmm??" She seemed so interested, so I chose to tell her everything. From the start, but not the part where I came from another world. Because why not, I was bored anyways.


"Oh my!! You poor... 'thing'." She said sadly.
"umm... May I ask you a question...? Why do you even care?? You never care about anybody else, expect for Sebastian." I asked her.
"Well I have always wanted to talk to somebody, about boys and gossip about them too~!" She said excited.

"oh... Well can you help me with my trouble?" I looked at her with puppy eyes.
She blushed a little, but shook her head. "Of course my dear~! Just run away again, but I will help you succeed this time!" She said happily. "Just take everything you need and we will leave as soon as possible~! But I want you to pay me back, okay?"

"Wait really?! ...O-okay then..." I didn't know another way, so any plan sounded good, was it bad or good one. I just wanted out of here, for even one second.
I could go see Undertaker again!

"Well I must go see my Sebby-chan now~! Bye~!" Grell disappeared and I started to pack my bags.


The night had fallen, I had all my stuff and Grell was in my room waiting for me to make a note, where I explain to Ciel and others why I left, and how long I think I'm going to be away for.

I leave the note on my bed, looking at Grell signaling I was ready. "Can we go see Undertaker for a sec?" I asked her.
She sighed and nodded annoyed.


We visited Undertaker, I said goodbye to him, he giving me some bone cookies. What made me actually tear up.

Then me and Grell went to a ship, that would take me to America.
I was so thankful to Grell for helping me out so much.
The time was like 5.47. It was so early. But I hadn't slept like in two days, so I chose to sleep for now.

-Grell's POV-

I watched (Y/n) sleep, she was quite the beauty, but I was sure she would have looked better in red~.

-Sebastian's POV-

It was morning and time for my master to wake up, so I went to his room and woke him up with his morning tea.
He didn't first want to wake up, what was quite annoying. When he woke up he sipped his tea and then I dressed him up.

We hadn't talked really after the ball. Master had been quite angry at lord Alois, (what made him angry at everybody). For asking lady (Y/n)s' hand, but it made me also furious. How dared that brat ask her hand.

"Sebastian, go check on lady (Y/n). Something feels... Off" He said, when he mentioned something felt off, I felt the same way.
"Yes, m'lord." I bowed and left the room, heading towards lady (Y/n)'s room.

Knocking on the door and waiting for answer, noticing that I couldn't smell her soul. So I went in, and the room was empty. Seeing a note on the bed I took it and read it, I was shook.
I rushed back to masters room, and handed him the piece of paper.

-Ciel's POV-

Sebastian returned to me so fast, that it made me really worried, and that he was carrying a note.

I took the note and read it.

I'm sorry to tell you all this, but I have left London.
I'm heading to... No, I do not wish you to follow me. I just wanted to tell you all I love you guys, I had fun while it lasted, but there were also too many things that I couldn't handle.
I think I'll be back when I'm ready, but I'm sure you all have forgotten me by then.
I wish you all everything good.

Love (Y/n)

I was shocked, how could she leave me?! "Sebastian!!! We must find her, now!!!" I shouted angrily, slamming the note on my nightstand.


A/n: Oh yeah! A new chapter, and last time I updated I was celebrating 1k reads, and now there is 2k!!!! Like I think this is the shittiest fanfic, but you guys just keep reading it XD And if there are some mistakes, just know I was too lazy to correct them.



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