First Meetings, Second Feelings (Part 1/2)

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Disclaimer. I do not own any rights to Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters or any of the characters created from the manga/anime. TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains moments depicting depression and self-harming tendencies. If you are uncomfortable with any of these topics please do not read further.I hope you enjoy the story!


I never really minded being alone.

Truly I spent most of my life alone. After moving to Domino after my parents' death I really began to understand what it felt like to be truly alone. I lived with my cousin and his little brother, but in reality, we practically parallel resided amongst each other.

They kept to themselves and their life, and I stayed in my own lane with my slow and empty life, and I felt my old friend loneliness creep from the shadows. 

It began slowly really. Beginning with watching out my window as people walked by; laughing, holding hands, embracing, kissing. Everything I'd never have. Everything I didn't deserve.

Then came the tormentors, the cruel-hearted fiends that walked the halls of Domino High School. 


Waste of space.


Just kill yourself, we'll all be better off.

Then came the knife.

It started by accident really. I was washing dishes in the sink when a knife knicked my wrist. I watched as the blood invaded the water slowly and felt all my pain and sorrow drain with the blood to the water. 

It became my medication, my mechanism, my cure; but also my curse.



Attention whore.


I stared down at my wrists, littering my flesh were jagged lines of my own self-loathing. A permanent reminder that no one will ever care. No one will ever try. No one will ever love me. I'll always be the freak. The psycho. The loner.

The forgotten.

-*-*-*-*-*- Four years later  -*-*-*-*-*-

I tugged my sleeves down nervously as I bit down at the cap of my pen. My wrists itched terribly today, a constant reminder of my emotional overload from last night. Anxiety riddled my body as I tried to focus on my Egyptian History textbook.

Two years ago, I had finally graduated from the Hell that we called Domino High School only to move on to Domino University on a full scholarship thanks to my studious undertone. Perks of being an antisocial loner was my books were always there.

Yet no matter how long ago high school was, I still felt my old fears and anxieties rise every time I stepped foot in the university community room. I wouldn't be here if I could help it, but my roommate decided to sexile me yet again.

Damn you, Marik.

I looked up from my textbook at the sound of a soft laugh and felt my eyes land on the table that the noise originated from.

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