Chapter 30 (end)

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Ivypool's POV
In a blind rage, she had hardly any time to plan before she attacked. She was so angry that it clouded her mind from the thought of her getting caught. I don't need to worry about that, everyone's too mouse-brained to figure out anything. But I'm smart. I'm the smart one who figured out that Dovewing's a traitor. Ivypool stepped through the warriors' nests without caution, not caring anymore. Those kits had to die. They would cause so much destruction; but Ivypool was going to stop it. At the entrance of the nursery, she looked at the kits with the light from the moon. Fury burned in her eyes and she growled lowly before walking over to the nest. She picked up Finchkit, throwing her at the wall and quickly clawing her. She didn't realize what she was doing until she was finished. The kits' squeals before they died gave her motivation that she was doing the right thing. I'm doing this for the sake of ThunderClan; how is that wrong? "Ivypool?" She heard a frail voice in front of her, and glanced up to the entrance of the den. There stood Blossomfall, eyes filled with fear and a shocked expression visible on her face. "Help! Ivypool killed Dovewing's kits!" She yowled, tripping over her paws as she desperately tried to get away. Ivypool stared in horror as cats woke up, joining Blossomfall in confusion. "Ivypool, what have you done?" Firestar frowned. "Sh-she had kits with a ShadowClan cat! I was d-doing the clan a f-favor and getting rid of them!" Ivypool shouted, backing up. Dovewing's sobs could be heard beside her as she noticed the state of three of her kits, while clutching her last kit tightly. "How can we believe you? You haven't given us any reason to trust you, Ivypool." He said calmly. "Just hear me out! She's a t-traitor and her kits deserved this! They would've been the destruction of ThunderClan!" She retaliated, looking around. Everyone was staring at her with either confusion or hatred, and she felt suddenly like she was suffocating. "Ivypool, due to your unreasonable actions and distrust among the clan, you are now banished from returning to this camp or territory. I will make sure the other leaders know that you are a threat and should be chased away immediately. You will be escorted out of the territory, and my warriors have my permission to attack you if they see you near the border." Firestar announced, and everything seemed like it stopped for Ivypool. I'm... exiled? It took her a while to process things before she was being shoved away from her home. Her paws carried her toward the forest, almost working on their own since her mind was lost. She couldn't correctly comprehend what was happening. She heard the two escorts muttering to each other behind her, but couldn't understand what they were saying. This is all Tigerheart's fault. All the pain he caused so many cats is what made me do this. It's not my fault. Ivypool stumbled across the grass, smelling the strong scent of the border line. She frowned, turning to look back at the two cats who accompanied her. Dustpelt and Icecloud stared back at her coldly, lashing their tails as a warning. Ivypool quickly turned and left, having no idea where she was going to go. I'm a nobody. My clan hates me. I'm crazy. But what am I going to do now? She kept walking, exploring the unknown parts of the world past the border.

Dovewing's POV
Dovewing quickly slipped through the dirtplace tunnel, turning to make sure Willowkit followed behind her. "Mo-" Willowkit began to complain, but was quickly hushed by her mother. "I know it stinks, but you need to stay quiet. We're going to go see someone." Dovewing murmured, looking around the moonlight area to see if anyone was walking around. "Let's go Willowkit." She whispered and walked quickly toward the ShadowClan border, her kit following. "Tigerheart?" Dovewing called out softly, smelling the strong ShadowClan border. "I was hoping you'd come," Tigerheart purred, walking over to her. Dovewing stiffened, frowning. "I thought you told me there were four kits?" He asked, face dropping. "She-" Dovewing started, but felt the grief striking her hard. "She killed them." Dovewing whispered, tears falling quickly down her face. "Who? Who killed them? Who killed our kits?" Tigerheart's tone dropped, anger melting through his words. "I-Ivy..." Dovewing sobbed, not able to continue. "What?" Tigerheart snarled, letting Dovewing lean against him for support. Willowkit stared at them, confused. "Who's this, momma?" She asked, pushing against her mother's legs. "I'll explain when you're older." Dovewing told her softly, licking Willowkit's head. They stood together for a while in a comfortable silence, the only tension coming from the anger of Tigerheart and Dovewing's sadness. "Don't do anything stupid, Tigerheart." She told him, stepping back. "I'll try not to." He replied and turned slightly, looking at her. "See you around." He murmured before retreating back to his clan's territory, Dovewing doing the same.

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