Chapter 16

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Ivypool went out on a walk by herself and hasn't returned yet. Then again, the camp is awful and its the middle of the night. So, I guess I shouldn't worry too much. I was awake in my nest staring outside into the empty clearing. Bumblestripe was to my left, Ivypool's empty nest to my right. Bumblestripe flicked his tail and it landed softly onto mine. I smiled and fell into a sweet dream of him and me.

Ivypool's P.O.V.
Tigerheart was beside me... And we weren't fighting. Two different clan cats, sitting in an abandoned twoleg nest, not hostile, but calm and... Loving? I don't know what was between us. I glanced over at him, to see his warm amber eyes glowing toward me. He was smiling and wrapped his tail around me. I looked quickly at my paws and flattened my ears. My head actually started to think, and I thought of all the trouble I'd be in if anyone found out about this. I stood up and looked at him sadly. "Tigerheart..." He stood up with me. "What's the matter?" He looked concerned now. "We... We can't do this. I'm a ThunderClan cat and you're ShadowClan... How much would we suffer?" I turned away from him. "Goodbye, Tigerheart. I'll see you in the Dark Forest." Walking away, he follows me with his eyes. "Wait, we can still be together! We'll make it work, don't worry." He called after me. "No. I'm sorry... Think of how much trouble we would cause." I trot out faster. "You're not sorry... I shouldn't have trusted you." He muttered. I was charging back to camp now, feeling the soft green grass under my paws and tears forming, but I pushed them away.

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