Chapter 9

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Dovewing burst through the camp barrier, panting. "What happened? Where are the rest?" Firestar demanded. "ShadowClan... Brambleclaw and the rest... Help needed..." She breathes out, and every warrior is out by now gathered around, including me. "Birchfall, Lionblaze, Squirrelflight, Cherrypaw, Whitewing, Brakenfur, Cloudtail! Follow Dovewing to the ShadowClan border and help out with the fighting." Firestar calls, and as soon as they are out of the camp he faces the rest of us. "Rosetail, Toadstep, Brightheart, Spiderleg. Stay and guard the camp. The rest of you..." He looks around at the group not guarding, and continues. "The rest of you will be coming to fight, Jayfeather I would get some herbs ready. I don't think it will be too bad, but I just want to make sure." Everyone that is guarding gets in the most protective places, guarding the Nursery and the Elder's den first. As soon as we set off, letting the moonlight lead our path, I remember the meeting with Tigerheart. Oh no! He's going to think I'm a liar! But still... He is in ShadowClan... I keep pace with Bumblestripe until he moves up to Dovewing, and I get a place in the back. I can't... I can't... I repeat in my head, and we reach the ShadowClan border to see a fierce battle going on, more and more ShadowClan cats streaming at our warriors. Now I HAVE to stay... I run ahead, finding a spot in between Brakenfur and Cloudtail, and get ready for the signal.

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