The Meeting

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Max and Kate sat silently at the table outside on the patio. The table wobbled and was covered in dust. Kate made a mental note to wipe it down later. Damn it! Stop thinking about what needs to be done and focus on this. Why can't you focus on this? She looked at him and he took in his lower lip while looking away.

"I don't think we're happy anymore," he finally said softly. He blinked away tears, but one escaped his efforts.

Kate could feel her heart sinking as her eyes welled with tears. Don't cry in front of him. 

"I can't seem to do anything right, and when I don't do anything, that isn't right either. You tell me I don't communicate, but when I tell you what's going on, you get mad." He nervously glanced at her, his eyes brimming and his lip betrayed him with a quiver. It was obvious his heart was also being torn apart. 

Deep breath. DON'T CRY. "I get mad because I'm not included in the decision-making. I am informed of the decision after the fact, and it's too damn bad if I don't like it, because while I'm supposed to be their step-mom and treat them like they're my own, I'm not allowed to have any say in anything for them. I'm just someone who lives here when they're here. I don't get to hear updates, I'm told about people's reactions to the updates. That's how I find out what's going on."

Max lit a cigarette. 

**To be continued. I'm so sorry for the delay in writing! I started working full time, on top of online college classes. I have a week between classes, so I'm trying to get back in it!**

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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