Chapter 9: Awkward

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The Doctor'sPOV

     Walking away from her room, I felt a pang in my chest. A million memories stirred from the recent past. A past I would give anything to go back to. I reluctantly wandered into the kitchen and started to make scrambled eggs. It was one of the only things I knew how to cook. Soon enough Abby and Jack walked into the kitchen together. They were holding hands, but Abby pulled hers away, looking at my face.


     His eyes were so tragic. He needed a friend right now. I could just tell.

     "What's up, Doc?" I said, grabbing a carrot from the counter and chomping into it. I hated carrots. Without being able to stop myself, I went to the sink and spat it out. "Gross."

     "Just...making breakfast." The Doctor said with a smile. "Do you like eggs?" He asked.

     "I do!" I winked at him. "I won't spit them out."

     "That's probably good." He laughed. "If you did, my feelings might get hurt."

     Jack laughed with us. I looked at him and smiled big. Grasping his hand, I grew in confidence that the new life with these two men was going to be wonderful. Jack leaned in and pecked my lips. Electricity bolted through me, leaving my body tingling and warm. He made me feel beautiful and desired. I loved it.

     "Mr. Jack Harkness, hands to yourself. We are in public." I said in an old British accent, joking with him.

     "Captain." He corrected with a smirk. "Captain Jack to you. Speaking of, we should play Captain and passenger tonight."

     My eyes flew open like they were going to pop right out of my head. Was that some sort of innuendo He winked at me and I averted my eyes. The Doctor's eyes passed between the two of us. Gosh, we make everyone uncomfortable.

     "We will talk about...that later." I grunted out.

     Suddenly the Doctor ran out of the kitchen and into the console room. He ran around the control and pressed random buttons.

     "Where are we going?" I asked.

     "You're home town." The Doctor shouted over the raspy whirring of the TARDIS. "In 2160."

     "I'd be dead by then." I said, frowning.

     "Aren't you cheery?" He said, then stopped pressing buttons. "Would you rather go to the past?"

     "Yeah, I would.." I said with an honest plea with my hands.

     "Alright. What do you want to see?"

     "My dad."

     Jack put his hand on my back comfortingly.

     The Doctor pushed more buttons and we all fell do the ground at the impact.

Doctor's POV

So much like Rose.

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