Chapter 8: So Many Secrets

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Jack's POV

     I slept well that night, knowing she was safe beside me. Her head was warm on my chest and when I woke up in the morning, her arms were closed around me and mine around her. We were so close, I could smell her fading perfume and I felt every breath she took. She was beautiful.

     She tossed in my arms. Not wanting to wake her, I loosened her arms and pulled away in order to let her move around. But my efforts were wasted. In the next second, she opened her eyes and looked at me. She gave a wide smile and sat up. Getting up, she walked to her dresser and pulled out some clothes.

     "See you in a few minutes." I said, leaving to let her get dressed.

Abby's POV

     Once Jack was gone, I went into the tub and took a long shower. When it was over I pulled on a soft purple dress and walked back into my room. I sat where I had been when Jack and I kissed last night, thinking back to that moment. I wanted to replay it a million times over.

     A squeak came from the door and I looked up to see the Doctor pop his head in.

     "Hi, Abby." He said with a wink. "How was your night?"

     "It was fantastic!"

     "Great!" He said, a little over enthusiastic sounding. Like it was forced.

     "I slept well. How about you?" I asked, curious. He had bags under his eyes and it looked like his cheeks were stained with dried tears. I got off the bed and walked to him. "Are you okay?"

     "I'm always okay." The Doctor said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. I started to recall a dream I'd that night. It felt so real, like a memory. The Doctor, looking down at me. My house was in shambles. My mother had her hands wrapped around her knees in despair. It felt distant, but real.

     "Did you know me before I saw you outside the mall?" I asked, knowing I shouldn't.

     "Yes." But that was all he said before turning on his heel and walking back down the hall.

     So many secrets. What is missing from my past?

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