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Trinitys POV
I wake up to a splitting headache I open my eyes and I realize I'm on the bus I don't know who's bus but I'm on a bus. I start to get up when I hear a familiar voice tell me to stay down.

I look over and I see Noah Sebastian looking at me. "How did I get here?" I asked confused. "well you were fighting with your boyfriend and then I saw him punch you and kick you so I beat him up and he got taken to jail so he brought you on the bus until you woke up." He said looking down. "Daniels in jail?" I say dumbfounded. "Yeah they took him to jail after they saw him beat you up" he said. "What am I gonna do his only source of income I have he owns the apartment I've been staying another he's in jail they're going to lock it up where am I going to go?" I say starting to panic. "Hey hey just calm down we'll figure it out from now you're going to be on tour with us" he says grabbing my arm gently.

I flinch as he grabs my arm I didn't mean to it's just instinct I immediately apologize. He tells her not to apologize and I apologize for apologizing. He asks what movie we should watch I said anything he likes so he puts on mean girls."I didn't know your rent chick movies" I so as laughing. "this is a good movie don't judge me" he said fake pouting. I just laugh at him as he presses play.

We watched the movie and I fell sleep through half of it but I get woken up to Noah caring me to a bunk so I just bury my head in his chest as he sits me down in the bunk and covers with a blanket. "thank you saving me from my crazy ex good night Noah" I say drifting off into sleep. "don't worry about it Trinity sleep tight good night" he said while kissing me on the forehead. I fell asleep instantly.

The one that saved me (Noah Sebastian fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin