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It has been a whole 10 years since Bill has fainted he has still not woken up. Dipper has been depressed ever since. Bill hasn't even said goodbye to him.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming back. " The younger one said.

"Very soon sweetheart"

The youngest out of the twins was a girl her name is Izzie and her older brother Tyrone. Tyrone is ten and Izzie is nine the day her dad ended up in a never ending sleep. Izzie nor Tyrone met there dad. Dipper on the other hand has been working hard to why Bill has fallen into a deep slumber.

They have been living in the shack with Mabel and his Gruncle Stan and Ford. Every one other than Dipper has been having fun. Dipper still pays more attention to his kids. Dipper looked through some books and the journals he had. He found out that Bill went into a deep slumber because his kids develop some of his powers so for the past ten years he has been regenerating his power back.

Dipped went to his Grunkle Ford,since he knew he was the one who knew how to bring Bill back. Working for four months straight they finally brought him back to the real world. Bill met his kids and had fun wanting to watch them grow old and have kids themselves.

"I am glad your back bill"

"Glad to be back Pine tree"

"Daddy lets go play outside" both children say in sync

I didn't know anything anymore thx for reading.

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