weakness to strength

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a shout
a cry
a yell
a word

it pounds at me
it eats me soul in and out
I don't know what to do!
I'm in so much doubt!

my arms become numb
I feel like I want to cry
but I can't
my tears won't come

the pain is so much
not externally, but internally
I don't know what to do
I feel weak

I feel lost
I feel hopeless
I feel helpless
I feel unneeded

"Help me! Help me!"

I cry
But it falls on deaf ears

"Enough! Stop!"

I shout
But that falls on deaf ears

then, as the rain pours
I see a splotch of light
His hand reaches out to me
And it pulls me up

He says, "Do not worry my Child. For I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life."

My lips curve a smile
His hand let's go
The light disappears
And though I feel a little weak

My heart
Is coming back
It is coming back strong.

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