
"Hey Tom?" Edie looked up at her best friend as they walked quickly through the airport. Hearing various camera snaps, Tom nodded but didn't look at her which she found strange.

"Yes Edie-"

"Are we getting food?" She piped up, Tom nodded his head and she turned to Harrison who was on her right.

"There's a really good burger joint across from our hotel." She nodded her head to the tall boy's comment.

"Are you guys gonna get a house here or something?" She asked, glancing between the boys who nodded their heads. She looked to Harrison, and opened her mouth to speak to him.

"Haz can I get on your back?" She piped up staring at Harrison. He let out a deep sigh and stopped in his tracks as Edie came behind him as he lowered his knees while she jumped onto his back. Her arms slung around his neck loosely and his arms came up underneath her thighs. Tom glanced back at his friends, seeing as now Harrison was carrying Evie.

He waited patiently for them as Harrison lightly jogged with Evie bouncing on his back with every step he took.

"Really Evie?" Tom scoffed, beginning to walk over to baggage claim.

"What, I'm tired." She mumbled. Resting her chin on Harrison's shoulder as they approached the carousel where their luggage would be dropped off.

"Since I have Evie on my back you gotta get the luggage." Haz gave Tom a smug smirk readjusting Evelyn on his back. Eh let out a little giggle from looking at Tom's displeased face.

"Aren't you supposed to be my assistant?" He asked Harrison, Harrison let out a laugh.

"Yeah but your assistant is busy with entertaining your guest that you are currently not obtaining to." Haz said back in a smart tone. Tom rolled his eyes and crossed his arms resting at his lower ribs.

"E get off Haz's back."

"I can't I'm stuck, right Harrison." Ev asked, looking at the boy who nodded his head while grinning.

"But there's three luggages and I only have two arms." Tom complained.

"So Haz can you at least grab one?" Tom groaned. Haz nodded his head, the two who were connected watched their strong friend retrieve Harrison's luggage out of the carousel. Rolling it over to Haz.

"Gonna let go of one of your legs Ev." Haz warned the girl as he released his arm from her leg who just held on tighter to his side her position not faultering.

Tom had pulled out Evie's suitcase and his own, letting out a big breath while he stared at his best friends.

"Ready?" Evie nodded her head going back to resting her head on Haz's shoulder comfortably.


"Seriously?" Evie sighed as they came into the small hotel room realizing that it only had two beds.

"I'm not sharing a bed with any of you two boys." She scoffed setting her luggage down on one side of the bed.

"But Evieeee-" She glared at Tom who was whining. 

"We're too big to fit in one bed." Harrison commented looking at Tom.

"So?" She shrugged, letting out a laugh.

"Evie you have to share a bed with one of us." Harrison exclaimed, his arms flying up. She shook her head, her stubbornness coming up.

"No that's weird."

"How many times have you shared a bed with me and Harrison individually?" Tom scoffed closing the door. Edie looked between the two, "Harrison last time we slept in the same bed you kicked me off and Tom-"

"Well means I get my own bed, you two settle for yourselves." Harrison cheered.

"Harrison no! I get my own bed!" Evie shouted to be tall boy.

"Alright-alright, chillax we'll just get a roller bed out for you." Tom chuckled, Evie groaned but settled for it. Punching both of the boys in the shoulder and they both winced in pain, causing the small girl to roll her eyes.


Tom was sleeping on one of the beds, well, napping technically as Harrison and Evie fought silently on what to get to eat.

"But I don't want Thai Haz!" Evelyn whisper screamed at the boy, he rolled his eyes and crossed his arm. He felt like he was fighting with his younger sister.

"I don't want sushi!" He exclaimed in the same tone, they both noticed that Tom stirred in his sleep. The two paused momentarily, staring at the beautiful sleeping boy before going back to fighting.



"No I was sushi!"






Evelyn cheered, causing Tom to startle from sleep. Harrison glared at the small girl, who ran over to Tom who was confused as he started to wake up.

"What's going on?" Tom mumbled, his eyelids half open. Evie sat down next to him brushing a curl back from his face.

"Nothing love go back to sleep alright? We'll bring you food okay?" She said in a sweet tone and he nodded his head clutching a pillow shutting his eyes once more.

She got up from the bed, grabbing her bag  quickly and heading out of the room with Haz.

"Go back to bed love." Harrison teased causing Evelyn to hit him.

"Shut up Haz!"

Awaiting Adventures ( tom holland )Where stories live. Discover now