Boobear: checkmate.

Hazza: that doesn't even make sense here Lou.

Boobear: well now you know why I'm not my mum's editor.

Hazza: oh trust me, after reading your last essay for English I knew it.

Boobear: .... I worked super hard on that....

Hazza: fifteen minutes and you didn't spell check.

Hazza: checkmate.

Boobear: so you had a date idea?

Hazza: it's a little expensive...

Boobear: anything for my prince.

Hazza: ☺️☺️☺️

Boobear: I've got my laptop open, credit card in hand. Tell me what you want Prince.

Hazza: ☺️☺️☺️

Hazza: I can't stop smiling if you keep calling me prince.

Boobear: well prince, you're going to have to tell me. Otherwise how am I supposed to treat you like a prince?

Hazza: the zoo! I love to observe animals and I was kinda thinking we could feed the penguins or giraffes and I just... yeah, if you're willing...

Boobear: two tickets booked. What are your favorite foods? I'll pack a picnic for my prince, yeah? 

Hazza: You'd do that for me?

Boobear: I don't know if I can ever express what I would do to keep you happy. You're my sunshine, I want you happy no matter what. I could tell before we even started talking that you weren't too happy. I want to change that.

Hazza: tbh I don't know if I can get out of what makes me unhappy (still can't tell you soz) but I really appreciate how kind you're being.

Boobear: awkward question?

Hazza: nothing's more awkward than what we discussed earlier. Shoot for it.

Boobear: would you ever let me know what's going on?

Hazza: it's pretty hard to explain. I just don't want to drag you into it. You already know I get smackings, that's embarrassing enough.

Boobear: but maybe I can protect you from it?

Hazza: well, I'm getting spanked tonight so...

Boobear: how do you know that?

Hazza: I've gone a week without being punished, I'm bound to mess up somehow.

Boobear: awe sweetie, don't think like that. Maybe you can avoid it?

Hazza: I genuinely can't avoid Derek.

Boobear: he doesn't know you have a phone, yes?

Hazza: yeah, he doesn't know. I've been lucky.

Boobear: hear me out before you say no.

Hazza: okay, shoot.

Boobear: record it.

Hazza: do what now

Boobear: record the spanking...

Hazza: why in fresh hell would I do that?

Boobear: I have to tell you that it sounds like what's going on isn't necessarily punishment.

Hazza: yeah?

Boobear: and if you video recorded it, and you video recorded a couple more times, I bet you could put him behind bars...

Hazza: it's just spanking Louis... yeah it hurts... but...

Boobear: I don't want to push you, but um... I really think you should record it. Mark (my step) is a lawyer and if we showed him what happened then it could help you.

Hazza: woah. What? Louis. I'm extremely hesitant to video record it, now we're showing your step? That's a hell of a ton to ask of me!

Boobear: I know and I'm sorry. But if you really believe it's just a spanking...

Hazza: I do! But it's humiliating! A lot of it happens on my bare bottom, and my legs get spread, and I- look. We haven't even kissed yet, I don't want you seeing me basically naked yet.

Boobear: I didn't realize it was so serious...

Hazza: when I say it hurts I mean it truly hurts, and it's humiliating Lou.

Boobear: counter proposal then?

Hazza: are we supposed to be in person for proposals? One knee, all that?

Boobear: wedding jokes already?

Hazza: 💍💍💍👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨

Boobear: well I suppose I made you uncomfortable so you have every right.

Hazza: you were saying?

Boobear: record it. Record stuff that happens. There's something you're not telling me and I'm certainly not wanting to pressure you to tell me. But record stuff, and whenever you're comfortable showing me or you want things to stop, then you can show me. Deal?

Hazza: ... deal I guess.

Harry, never having a phone before, didn't understand the idea of iCloud, which Louis had set up for him. Louis promised himself he'd never look at Harry's personal pictures or documents but... this involved Harry's safety. So it's all be for the best in the end, right?

Abused (L.S) (Punk!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now