The Actually Date......?

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This Chapter is dedicated to a close friend of mine one WattPad. she's an amazayn talented writer..

~Melissa's P.O.V~

I waited and waited until I heard a knock and my doctor came in.

“You have a ride downstairs” he said.

“ Really..? So I could now” I asked

“Yup!” he said

“Sweet! I said jumping off the bed and hugging the doctor and ran downstairs. I opened the hospital door and I spotted a BIG BLACK LIMO

“WOW” I said to my self and thought who would it be for. That was some lucky person. I kepted looking for my mothers car but no where in sight. UGH that dumb doctor.

“ Hi Ms. James.” the man that drove the limo said '

“ Yes.” I asked

“ Please come in. I was ordered to take you” he said whiling opening the shiny black limo's door.

“ O thank you.” I said quickly going in.

We sat there in silence until I broke it.

“May I asked you ordered you to come and take me” I asked confused.

“ Now that I cant tell.. You will find out later after I drop you off” he said.

After being bored playing temple run on my iPhone we finally arrived. I couldn't see threw the tinted windows but I assumed It was my house. The driver quickly ran to open my door and I thanked him.

“Where am I..?” I questioned.

“ You will see when you get in side.. Chop Chop go in” he said slightly pushing me in the unknown building. I was scared and terrified at the same time.

“Hello” the women behind the counter said.

“ Hi” I said scared and shyly

“ Oh.. Are you Ms. Melissa James” she asked

“ Yeess” I replied and wondered how both her and the driver new my name. Something was up. Really UP.

“ Right this way” she said. She lead me to a table for two. I dropped my phone under the table and went to pick it up.

“ Hello Beautiful” I heard a fimliar voice say and I knew who it was my Zayn. I quickly picked up my phone and lifted my heard only to see the most gorgeous man alive staring right into my eyes holding a bunch of pink,red,and white roses.

“ Hi” I said blushing.

“ Here these are for you beautiful” he said while handing me the roses

“ Aweh thank you. You shouldn't have” I said while taking the roses.

“ I had to. You look so beautiful today” he said.

“ You don't look so bad yourself” I said blushing staring at him looking at his tux.

“ How's your head” he asked.

“ its good how are you” I replied.

“ im goo-”

“ o wait your the one that set this UP” I said cutting him off

“ Yup..? I hope it wasn't a problem” he said

“ A problem ha ah not it wasn't it was like the most romantic thing that anyone is every done for me and my mother told me about how you were acting when I was in the coma” I said

“ Yeah..Well they should of treat you like everyday... and Yea what is that” he said ruffling his hair nervously and blushing.

“ She said this 'Zayn cried and cried and prayed. Soon enough he didn't have anymore tears left' is that true Zayn.” I asked/

“Well.. Yes” he replied.

~After a Couple of hours at the Restaurant~

~Zayn's P.O.V~

I really had to tell her how much I felt about her. We dropped her off and I walked her to the steps of her door and said goodbye and a good night kiss on the CHEEK. I really wanted to kiss her soft lips. Before she could close the door I stopped it and said this.....

A/N: What will Zayn say..? Is she going to be happy or sad? Is he going to be happy or sad...? Please Vote/Comment... Should i go on ..i Love you guys so MUCH

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