the dark forest

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Serena's pov time skip to sunset

Serena and her friends had been walking for 3 hours now. She was starting to get tired and she looked to her side to see moon riding her luxray with espe just taking a nap. Embrix was walking beside luxray, his eyes watching espe. Serena felt jealous because moon didnt need to walk.

Moon: hey serena, do you wanna ride on luxray?

Moon patted at an empty spot on luxray's back for her to sit on.

Serena: um sure!

Serena hopped on luxray and was careful not to hit embrix, who was right beside luxray, on the head.

Ash,N and Iris were still walking on foot because they had more energy than
Moon and Serena.

Serena sighed and looked at ash. Ash noticed her stare and looked back at her. The honey blonde haired girl looked away swiftly as his brown eyes met her ocean blue ones, blushing and butterflies filling her stomach. A memory flashed in her mind.

Flash back

Ash: serena i know i cant tell you how much i love you, but i can show you.

The raven haired boy went close to serena's face, pratically feeling serena's breath on his face. Serena blushed.

Serena: u-um ash-

Ash kissed serena. Serena blushed like crazy. They departed from the kiss.

Ash: now come on lets go back to the group

End of flashback

Serena remebered how she felt when ash had kissed her, blushing bright red the same way she blushed when ash had kissed her.

Moon: serena are you ok?

Moon was looking at serena, a confused expression plastered on her face.

Serena: oh yah everythings fine! No blushing from a memory with ash here!

Moon: No what?

Serena: N-NOTHING!!

Moon looked at serena for a few seconds before shrugging and turned her head back to looking ahead. Serena sighed in relief. After a few minutes luxray stopped walking. Moon bent over luxray. She started petting his mane.

Moon: whats wrong luxray

The big cat pokemon pointed his paw to something ahead of them. Moon's mouth dropped, Iris was starting to panick, ash's eyes went wide, and N had a neautral shocked expression on his face. Serena tried to see what they were looking at. She gasped. Ahead of them was a creepy, scary, weird, dark, creepy and lifeless forest.

Moon: w-were here..

Serena: where...

Moon: the dark forest

Espe's pov

Espe woke up from her nap by something licking her nose. Embrix was licking her nose.

Espe: espeon (why did you wake me up)

Embrix: embreon (were here)

Espe: espeon? (In the dark forest?)

Embrix: embre-EMBREON

The pink elegant pokemon shrugged.

Embrix: embreon (get up and get your butt down here)

Espe: espe (fine)

Espe jumped off luxray, landing perfectly beside embrix. Embrix was still bossy to espe and sometimes she wished she could tell him how bossy he was but she didnt want to upset him. The group was walking to the forest. As soon as espe set her paw near the forest, a shiver went up her spine.

N: ok espe and embrix, lead the way.

As espe stepped into the forest, a dark pulse shot her.

Embrix: espe no!

the path to love [ Editing]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora