camp fire stories

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Omg guys! Thank you so much! Today i woke up to find my book had more than 800 veiws! Thank you guys so much! Enjoy this chapter!

Moon's pov

As the sky began to darken, the group began to prepare their camp. Moon sat by the camp fire with her friends. Serena was finally awake and was sitting next to ash, playing with her dinner. Moon ate her noodles quietly as she looked at serena.

Moon: um are you ok serena?

Serena: oh. Im fine. Just still shaken thats all.

Moon: oh ok.

Moon went back to eating her noodles. After that her totodile climbed onto her lap.

N: what should we do now?

Ash: i dont know

Iris: how about we tell stories! The best time to tell stories is always at night by the camp fire.

Serena: ok um who wants to go first?

Everyone's eyes landed on Moon.

Moon: do i start?

Serena: yes

Moon: what should i tell you guys about?

N: maybe a legend or tale you know

Ash: yah! Legends are so amazing!

Moon: um it goes. Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Saphire.Everyone said she was average, but she wasnt. Saphire had a golden heart shaped locket.

The group leaned forward, obviously tempted to hear the story. Even the pokemon were interested.

N: go on.

Moon: ok. In the locket contained a great power. The power to heal or ,if you want it to be spesific, the power to bring things to life. She could even heal pokemon. She got this locket from the acient pokemon Xyrneas. Xyrneas told saphire to keep the locket a secret. Saphire she promised to keep it secret. Saphire kept the locket a secret for her whole life until she died of old age. The amulet kept passing down to other people who were trust worthy and kind. Some people say this legend is real and well it is.  
Iris: wait how is it real?

Moon showed her her locket. It was the locket she was talking about in the story. Everyone stared in awe.

Ash: does it still work?

Moon: sometimes. Its kinda old now, but it still works.

Iris: can you show us how it works?

Moon: umm ok

Moon looks around and then finds a dieing flower infront of her, its petals falling slowly to the ground. She placed her hands on the locket, her eyes closed, and then placed her hands around the flower. Light yellow sparkels surrounded the flower and then the dust came back to the locket. The flower came back to life, its pink petals glimmering.

Group: wow

Moon: thats how well it works.

Ash: well im gonna head to bed.

Serena: yah me too.

Ash: good night guys

Group: 'night

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