the meeting

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Ash's pov

Ash was walking along the sidewalk with his friends N and Iris. He kept walking until he heard a moan. He turned his head to see a pit. He looked in it to see a honey-blonde haired girl in the pit, unconscious and she had cuts and bruises all over her body.

N: wow

Iris: whos that?

Ash: i dont know... we should get her out

Ash, Iris, and N slid down the side of the pit. Picachu jumped off Ash's shoulder and sniffed the girl.

Ash: is she ok picachu

Picachu: pica (im not sure)

Iris: dont just stand there! Lets get her to nearest pokemon center quick!

N: yah what she said

Ash nodded and picked her up. He looked at her. To him, he was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

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