Kill me instead

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A few days have passed by and luckily, there were no signs of any wild animal passing by. I've heard some noises during the night, of course, but nothing too major.

I keep track of the dates we're in, I don't really know when I'll get out of this forest when I can't find any humans or signs of humans that've been here... Well, the exception is one rubber elastic band that I took to put my red hair up in a ponytail but I couldn't find anything else...

My green dress got really dirty and pieces of it got ripped appart. I am really sad about it because it was my favorite dress that my mother gave me on my 19th birthday, a few months ago.

I had my magic fox under observation, she is my only company here so I even named her, Sienna, it states for her color. She didn't do anything uncommon so I am starting to doubt her powers and realising there's a possibility that I healed her. I thought about it, during my life, I've heard some cases of healers and they were usually extremely rare. But I didn't seem like a healer at all, I got sick a lot in my childhood, my parents thought I was going to die at a very young age, I've broken my bones many times and my wounds don't heal...

I haven't got any wounds recently but that doesn't mean I have healing powers!

I throw a rock in the river and watch it splash. Who am I kidding? The fact that I am still alive it's a miracle! I take another rock next to me, maybe I can try and find a rabbit to hurt and see if I can heal him but I am too scared it won't work.

"Sienna, what do you think?"

She looks into my emerald green eyes and moves her head sideways. I smile and give her my last piece of the bread I took from home. No, I don't think I am ready to hurt any rabbits...

I am feeling really empty inside and I think it's a specific feeling you get... It's one of that feelings when you realise you're in the middle of nowhere and there's no way out...

All of the sudden there is a familiar sound in the forest. I clear sound of galloping comes to my ears and Sienna's. My heart is beating so fast, I swear she could jump easily out of my chest.

"Help me!!! Help me!!!" I shout loudly

The horses have slowed down their movement.

"I am here!!! Please help me!" I scream.

I run around the trees with Sienna by my side and look for any sign of human beings. I hear a deep familiar voice yelling at me:

"Put your arms aross your chest and don't move!!"

I gulp and try to rotate backwards. There is something wrong... Who are these people and why his voice seems so familiar to me?

"Don't move, I've said!!!" he thunders at me.

He appears into my eyes and my heart skips a beat. I know who the person is, he is... the prince of the kindom next to my village. I've seen him two years ago when he went with his father to my village and forcefully took people at army even though my village isn't his property, it's my king's. His blue eyes stare at me weird and I can't help but gaze at his perfect sharp cheeckbones and his black messy black hair. He grabs my chin and speaks with the same aggressive tone:

"What are you doing here, you poor idiot?!!"

"I... I'm..."

A little old man with a long white mustache says:
"You know the rules miss, you don't go into the prince's side of the forest or you'll be killed!"

"I didn't know?!" I say with a high pitch voice
What do I do? What do I do?!!

"How?! I made sure everyone in my kindom knows all of the eight rules?!!"

"Let me guess, you've made a holy book on it?"

"Don't make fun of me or I will take your head without any mercy right now!! Give me one, only one reason I should not take your life in this moment!!"

I look down at my feet and sigh, I mean what am I supposed to say?!?

"Your majesty, I am... I am a healer!" I speak trying to mimic a confident tone.
I can't believe I've said that, dumb, dumb, dumb ideea!

"You think you can fool me, you little prick?!!" He takes the sword out puts it next to my throat.

"What can you heal?!! Rabbits, dogs, foxes?!!" he looks down at my fox.

"Heal that!" he takes his sword and wants to stab the fox.

"No!! Nooo! Don't do this, kill me instead, what did the poor animal have done to you?!!!" I cry

He doesn't listen to me but the fox tries to run away but he still manages to shoot an arrow at her.

"You.. You!!! How could you do this?!!" I slap him and run to Sienna. I've actually slaped the prince... oh no...

If I am a healer this would be the perfect moment to use my powers.
The prince rubs his cheeck and murmurs something like:

"Who does she think she is?"

I take the arrow out of the fox, she looks almost lifeless. I put my hand on the wound and I try to concentrate so hard, I really try to think of
healing this! Unfortunately, I can't do this... The wound doesn't heal...

The prince laughs at me and all of the people that came with him at the haunting. This is so cruel, I can't stand this!!

"Please, please, Octavia, you can do this, you've done it before, come on" I cry and I wipe my tears away, talking to myself won't help!

The prince brings the sword so he could cut my head... But... Sienna healed!!! I gasp and shout at the prince:

"You can kill me all you want but the disease will kill your kindom!!!"

Everyone looks terrified at what I did. I hug Sienna really tight, I healed her, I really did, I am amazing! I want to cry out of happiness!

"Chain her up!" says the prince without a word about what I did. Such a jerk!

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