Chapter 1- My story

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He was my best friend, the one I told everything too, my human diary, aka my older brother Matthew. Hi my name is Kendall. I am 17 years old and love to play softball like any other normal girl. I go to high school and I am a Jr. Life is pretty good these days. My parents have there own dentistry place in LA and well they have a lot of extra money to spend so they bought me and my brother our own apartment. You see Matthew is 21 and is going to be a dentist pretty soon. Exciting right? Not really. I hate the dentist, their my worst fear. My dad is a dentist and my mom helps around the office with him and my brother followed in his footsteps sadly. My parents and brother knows about my fear and has always tried to help me conquer it but it never works. I just get so scared it's embarrassing especially when your scared of your own dad. The one who should protect you from everything. Don't get me wrong I love my dad I just don't love his job. Anyways today was the day I had to come face to face with my fear because my mouth has been hurting for a while now but am too afraid to tell my brother. But I knew I had too but honestly I couldn't take it anymore.

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