15. Private Message

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1 new message from Lizzie the Lizard

Lizzie the Lizard
Julie, we need to talk.

Captain Morgan
Ugh, please not more pestering about Tom!

Lizzie the Lizard
Why are you so quick to deny that there's something that could potentially go on between you and Tom?

Captain Morgan
I'm not!

Lizzie the Lizard
Once again, so quick...

Captain Morgan
What do you want, Lizzie?

Lizzie the Lizard
To have an honest and open conversation with my friend about a mutual friend.

Captain Morgan
Sure, I'd be happy to talk about Scarlett. Just nothing bad. I'm not a fan about talking about people behind their backs.

Lizzie the Lizard
What does Scarlett have to do with anything?

Captain Morgan
She's a mutual friend.

Lizzie the Lizard

Captain Morgan
Okay, fine. We can talk about Tom. I'm assuming that's who you were referring to?

Lizzie the Lizard
Yay! Thanks, Jules! I promise, anything you tell me I won't share with the group chat or post or anything.

Captain Morgan
That's nice, but I'm not going to say anything that I haven't already said.

Lizzie the Lizard
Are you sure?

Captain Morgan
Can you keep a secret?

Lizzie the Lizard
Of course!

Captain Morgan
I honestly don't know what I think anymore. I thought Tom and I were just friends, and that's what we are and will probably only ever be. But then when people started thinking we were dating or something, I only instantly said I didn't like him in that way as just a reflex. I never actually thought about it. But now that I have, I honestly don't know what I want.

Lizzie the Lizard
Aww, Julie, that's perfectly normal! I just ask you to keep an open mind and really think things through about you and Tom.

Captain Morgan
Why do you say that? Do you know something I don't?

Lizzie the Lizard

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