Confrontation (Part 3)

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You stared right at the twins while they stared right back. You felt the heat rise in your cheeks and your heart start to race. This had been a conversation 3 years in the making.
"You two know Y/n?" Tamaki asks gleefully. 
"Um_ yeah we've known eachother from grade school." Kaoru says his eyes sometimes looking over at Hikaru. 
"Wait you mean you had an actual friend?" Tamaki asks suprised. 
"I wouldn't exactly use the word friend." you mummble although by Haruhi's expressino he had heard you. 
"We had a weird relationship." Kaoru states while Hikaru's eyes still never left you. 
"Well this is just splendid, Mori-sempi did you know about this?" Tamaki asks and you look over at your brother who had a stern expression turned towards the twins, you sighed. You knew this would happen, Mori was most definetly one of those over protective brothers, even when you were in America and would bring up a boy he would become over protective. 
"No. I had no clue." Takashi states, making you look down at the floor.
"Well than how about we all sit down and get to know Y/n I'm sure the twins want to catch up?" Tamaki says while everybody starts to go over towards the couches. You look up at the twins one more time before you start to walk, you glance behind you to see Kaoru start to walk only to stop and look at his brother, who just shakes his head and walks over to a table. Kaoru looks inbetween his brother and everybody else, he sighs but than reluctently goes over to the couch. 

"Sorry Hikaru just has a headache so he's going to rest by himself for a little while." Kaoru states smiling a little, you sighed and peaked over at Hikaru who was staring right at you. You quickly turned back to everybody. 

Soon you started telling stories that had everybody laughing. You decided to keep all the other stories to yourself. "

After hours of story telling from both you and everybody else, you looked over at Hikaru again to see him still staring at you his head rested on his hand and once you looked he quickly looked away obviously bored. 

"Well, I should get going." you state standing up.
"I'll come with you." Takashi says but you shake your head no. 
"Stick with your friends, I'll be fine on my own. Plus mom and dad will want to spend a while with me, than I'll probably head over to Haninozuka house." you state smiling at Honey who just nodded excited. After saying goodbye, you quickly left stealing one last glance at Hikaru before shutting the door.

Hikaru POV:
Once Y/n walked out of the room I felt a tension in my shoulders relax. Kaoru walked over and sat down across from me. 
"Do you want to talk about why you were over here sulking?" Kaoru asks, 
"Look it's just I didn't expect to see Y/n. I mean it's been 3 years, and she just vanished after that fight. I mean she obviously hates me." I state shaking my head and looking down,
"Hikaru do you remember what happen after that fight?" Kaoru asks, and I look up at him than nod.

3 years ago. 

Y/n had just stormed off and I turned and looked at Kaoru who just looked at me wide eyed.
"What?" I ask annoyed.
"I_ I just didn't think you would yell at her like that." Kaoru says, 
"What are you on her side too?" I ask although the sting that I knew hit Kaoru also hit me. "I'm sorry." I state
"I don't think I'm the one you need to say sorry to," I sighed than nodded, "Y/n was only trying to help." Kaoru says. 
The next day we didn't see Y/n infact I was still mad at her but after 2 weeks I finally calmed down, but I still hadn't seen Y/n at all and to be honest I was happy about this but this than went on for weeks, it had been a month since I had seen Y/n, and now I wanted to find her and apolijize, maybe I did take it a little far with the girl. Once I saw Y/n's friends I ran over to them. 
"Do you know where Y/n is?" Hikaru asks the girls looking at him suprised. 
"You didn't hear?" one girl asked
"Y/n moved to America, she's going to school there now." another one chimed in. 
I felt my stomach drop, and a little dizzy. She was gone. Y/n was gone.

Present time:
"I don't think I can face her. I mean it's been 3 years but once I saw her_ all of the memories and all the pain from that fight with her came rushing back." I states and Kaoru looked down. and sighed. 
"Hikaru, your going to have to talk to her. Especially now that we know that she's Mori's sister." Kaoru exclaims making me nod, 
"I'll talk to her the next time I see her." I state talking myself up. 

~Time skip 

You walked up to Ouran Academy, you stared at the massive building. 
It was your first day and you were already lost, you sighed as you again studied the map infront of you. 
"Can you not find you way?" you spun around to see Haruhi standing behind you. 
"No, it seems that I'm even more lost than ever." you state shaking your head. 
"Believe me I understand." Haruhi agrees smiling. "Here let me helf you find your next class." You quickly handed Haruhi your schedule, "Hey, we have the same first period." Haruhi says happily. 
"Thank goodness." Y/n sighs making Haruhi laugh a little. 
"COme on we don't want to be late." Haruhi states as you follow him to your class. 
Once you got into the class you walk over to the teacher and he tells you to sit in an empty desk 1 away from Haruhi. 
"I'm glad that I know somebody in class." you state smiling. 
"Yeah hey and_" 
"Goodmorning Haruhi." I turn around to see Kaoru smiling while he sat next to Haruhi. 
"Oh good morning Kaoru." Haruhi says I freeze, if Kaoru is here that means, soon the chair next to you was pulled out and Hikaru sad down. 
You looked forward than down at your desk. When you looked over Hikaru smiled at you. 
"Hey Y/n." he says shyly causing you to look at him suprised. 
"Hi Hikaru." you say smiling. 
"I want to talk to you." Hikaru states making your heart start to race. 
"Yes. I think we should." you say looking at Hikaru right in the eyes.

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