"Sure, thanks." Kehlani reached for the bottle of of Sunny-D oranger juice and a bag of plain lays chips. Cracking open the bag, Kehlani began to eat as Dr. Chang started up her session.

"So how've you been?"

"Good. I kinda fell into this everyday routine." She responded. Dr. Chang nodded writing down on her notepad before looking back up between her glasses.

Dr. Chang was a 37 year old therapist with 2 kids. A boy and a girl, pictures of their family all over the room. She was married to a police officer, who happened to be Robyn's old parole officer, he was the one who subscribed his wife to her's.

"And are you comfortable with this routine?"

"Very. It seems as if its a normal thing that I do. Like I've done this stuff before." Dr. Chang nodded her head in understanding.

"That's good if your comfortable then that makes me comfortable that your not stressing." Dr. Chang said. Kehlani nodded, still munching on her chips. She opened the bottle and took a few sips out of it as she looked around the office.


"Where's Morgan?" Kehlani asked Mel who laid on the couch. She'd just came from the hour long session and was ready to cuddle with the small baby she's grown accustom of.

"With Robyn." Yani responded from the other side of the living room, her eyes glued to her phone.

"Where's Robyn?" Kehlani asked.

"The studio." Kachi mumbled from the floor. She laid on the pillow with Franklin on her stomach. Eyes closed as Kachi's stomach went up and down.


"Lani watchu doin' 'ere?" Robyn asked Kehlani who just entered into the studio room and watched as Robyn emerged from the booth. Morgan shifted her gaze towards the door and looked up at Kehlani.

"I came to see Morgan...and you." She murmured the last part, going over to the couch and picking Morgan up.

" She murmured the last part, going over to the couch and picking Morgan up

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Robyn went to go sit next to her, her arm going around the girl. "Can ya' give us some space real quick?" Robyn asked the producers. They both nodded their heads and left out.

Morgan laid her head on Kehlani's chest and sighed. "Stubborn child." Robyn mumbled.

"Not stubborn." Kehlani defended the little infant. "She just has a special liking in me."

A light smile appeared on her face. "Oh here.." Kehlani spoke moving Morgan a little so she could stuff her hand in her purse. "I bought you this." She handed Robyn the half eaten twix bar. "Sorry I got hungry."

"Nah ya' fine. I was literally 'bout ta' die wen dey didn't 'ave none in da' vending machine." Robyn mumbled before stuffing her face with the bar. Sighing in content.

Kehlani watched in awe as Robyn literally shoved the bar down her throat. She knew about Robyn's stash of chocolate at home and has been sneaking some, she just wanted to pay her back. And also have this as another reason to why she's wanted to come to the studio.

"Did you...did you drive 'ere by yaself?"

Kehlani shook her head. "Mmm...Yani dropped me off before going her dance studio with Kachi to teach some people." Robyn nodded in understanding.

"Whelp I betta' get back in dis' studio." She said ushering the producers back inside. "Guys this is Lani, Lani this is Pharalle and his team, N.E.R.D."

Kehlani smiled. "Hello."

Robyn nodded her head before going back into the booth. Setting up her phone in her hand, Robyn read off the lyrics to her new song she was recording.

 Setting up her phone in her hand, Robyn read off the lyrics to her new song she was recording

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Yeah, I know both of these photos are taken in completely different years, but 🤷🏽‍♀️

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