chapter 9 - discovered.

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School let out for the day and Raven immediately left the classroom, having completely forgotten about the mess she had seen just a few short hours ago.

This didn't last long, though. Her locker was nearby and as she approached it she saw a group of people milling around locker 714, Jasper's locker. He stood in the head of it all, his shaggy brown locks covering his bruised and beaten face.

"-Blake," she heard him say and she began to put her books away as she tilted her head slightly and listened on in curiosity.

"He beat me up! You idiots, why can't you understand that? Bellamy Blake did this to me," he continued, his face flushing red in anger. Even more than it already was the from the brutal beating he had taken earlier.

They all snickered in unbelief, turning and walking away from the boy. Tears threatened pour out his eyes.

He knew what was to blame. He had seen it with his own eyes. Arkadia Corporations was manipulating every single student in this school and Jasper Jordan was determined to prove it.
"What does Pascal's Principle state?" Raven questioned Murphy. She was sprawled out on his bed with his physics binder in hand. This had become a usual thing for them. Raven used it at a therapeutic way to forget how awful she felt about her mother and all these secrets.

"Raven, give me an easy one please," he frowned.

"That was an easy one!" She laughed at him. "I bet I'm going to do way better on this test than you are."

"There's only one way to find out, Reyes," he grabbed the binder out of her hands he asked, "What is amplitude?"

"The maximum displacement of a wave or oscillating object from equilibrium," Raven said nonchalantly, fiddling with the raven necklace around her neck.

Murphy's mouth practically fell to the floor, "I only understood like two words of what you just said, and those would include 'the' and 'a'."

Raven just rolled her eyes in response, a slight laugh escaped her lips. "What about 'from'? Or do we need to take you back to Kindergarten?"

"Oh shut up, Reyes." This time Murphy was the one that rolled his eyes.

"Make me," she playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

"Is that a challenge?" He raised an eyebrow, slowly inching towards her.

Raven shrugged and winked, "Maybe."

"It's been accepted then," Murphy spoke smoothly, his usual smirk on his face.

Raven dropped the books and binders on the floor as Murphy swiftly pushed her down on the bed, straddling her hips. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.

She grinned at the way he did this, with dominance, but yet he was gentle. Murphy admired her for a moment before pulling her into a kiss, which from the moment it started had a certain fire and intensity that'd she'd never felt before.

Murphy pulled away when he heard a rumbling noise that he recognized to be the garage door. "Fuck," he mumbled and touched their lips together again before getting off of her. "Why is everyone such a cock block?" He huffed.

She simply laughed and smirked. "Maybe one day it'll happen, John."

He didn't respond, just raised his eyebrow at the use of his real name. His mind focusing on his approaching father. For John Murphy, he never knew what his father's heavy footsteps towards his room meant. They'd carried words of sorrow, regret, death, violence, and jealousy.

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