chapter 2 - threatened.

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Lincoln stared at Raven walking away and he turned back to Bellamy to say, "She could cause us a problem, you know that? She's way too assertive towards us to fit in here."

"We just need to watch her is all," Bellamy stated matter-of-factly, "one of you needs to get in with her and find out what else she's heard and what else she knows, of course, I'll get her school files," Bellamy looked at Murphy questioningly, as if volunteering him to get with Raven.

"Look, man, you know I think she's hot as hell, but she seems nice, I don't want to corrupt her by dragging her into my shitty life. Like you said, as long as she stays where she's supposed to, it'll be business as usual," Murphy explained.

"Fine, but if she pulls something like that again, you're going to be the one to fix it, Murphy," Bellamy shoved Murphy slightly and walked off to class.
It was the last period of the day, English, and Raven was thankful she had found another class with Clarke in it.

Raven still wasn't able to shake the eerie feeling she felt in these hallways after she witnessed Monty get beat up.

"Clarke?" Raven whispered as the teacher was rambling on about something. "I saw," she paused, "I saw Bellamy punch Monty after first period today."

Clarke dropped her pencil on the floor out of shock. "You saw what?" She whispered aggressively as she picked up her pencil.

"Apparently Monty didn't follow through on something, or he did something wrong. I don't know-"

Clarke cut off Raven, a look of seriousness on her face, "Forget what you saw today. Please, don't ever bring it up again. You hear me? Monty is one of them too."

Raven gave Clarke a questioning look, but nodded in agreement anyway.

"Hey, Clarke, what's your number? Just so we can talk or something if you want," Raven inquired.

Clarke smiled and handed Raven her phone to copy her number.

"Thanks," Raven said.

She absent-mindedly made notes and finally, when the bell rang, she hastily made her way through the hall to her locker. She grabbed her homework and was out the door in a matter of seconds.

There were benches outside the school, so Raven sat down, knowing that her father would be late as usual. He had insisted on driving her to school on the first day so he could show off and be a 'proud dad'.

"Hey, Reyes," a voice chimed from behind her. Bellamy.

"What do you want?" Raven retorted, a little angrier than she meant it to be.

Bellamy laughed at her aggressive demeanor. "I just want to let you know," he smiled and leaned into her ear to whisper, "don't tell anyone what you saw today, got it?"

Raven looked down. It's a little too late for that, she thought.

"I got it, otherwise, I'll end up like Monty, I get it, Bellamy," Raven responded, annoyed at him.

"Good," Bellamy smirked evilly. "See you tomorrow then?"

"Yea," she acknowledged, then mumbled under her breath, "and every single god-forsaken day after that."

"I heard that," Bellamy said.

"Sorry," Raven replied, "Hey, Bellamy?" He looked at her attentively. "Do you have a problem with me?"

Bellamy was surprised at her lack of subtlety. "No, not yet, anyway," he winked.

Who the hell does this guy think he is? Raven thought.

"Oh, one more question, Blake, why did you beat up Monty? You wouldn't tell me when your goons were with you, so why don't you tell me now?"

Anger flashed across Bellamy's face and he advanced swiftly on Raven, his face just inches from hers and spoke intensely, "I thought we discussed that you weren't ever going to talk about it again? But if you must know, he didn't hold up his end of a little deal we had. So there had to be consequences."

"So you beat him up? That's a terrible way to handle things," she pushed him away, and stood up.

Bellamy grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, whispering, yet again in her ear, "Watch yourself, Reyes, you have no idea how many connections I have here. I could crush your dreams of becoming a mechanic in minutes. You hear me?"

A terrified look crossed her face, how did this kid know what she wanted to do?

"You're a creep, Blake, never talk to me again," she tried to get out of Bellamy's grip but he was stronger than she thought.

In perfect timing, her dad pulled up and Bellamy reluctantly let go.

"Looks like dear old daddy is here, the new CEO of Arkadia Corporations, you better ask him how his first day on the job was," Bellamy teased.

"How do you know about my dad?" Raven asked, alarmed.

"It's a small town, Reyes, I know everything about everyone. See you tomorrow!"

Raven ran to the car and got in, shooting a nervous glance Bellamy's way.

"How was the first day, honey?"
Clarke made her way outside to see Bellamy staring at a car driving away.

"Who's in the car?" She asked.

"The new girl," Bellamy told her.

"She has a name, Blake."

"Yeah, I know, its Raven Reyes, her father is the new CEO, she's rich, she wants to be a mechanic..." Bellamy begins to list all the facts off her files in the office."

Clarke cuts him off, "You went through someone else's file? What's wrong with you?"

"Lots of things, Griffin, that's why I'm me," he smirks.

She rolled her eyes, "Yes, of course, Bellamy. Anyway, she's really nice and I think you should leave her out this mess you've created. It's her first day of school here and you're harassing her already, give her time to adjust before you beat her up like you did Monty today."

Bellamy huffed, "We don't have time, Clarke."

Clarke ignored his last statement and continued, "Also, you beat up Monty because he didn't bring you what you needed? Yeah, right. We all know it was because he helped Raven too. Lay off, Bellamy. Monty has done your bidding since day one of freshmen year."

"Shut up, Clarke. You know nothing about how things should be run," Bellamy fumed, clenching his firsts instinctively.

"You're right, I don't, but I do know that deep down inside you don't want to do this to Raven because you know it's the wrong thing to do. Don't you think she'll get suspicious when she learns that every single new student in the past 3 years you've been here transferred in less than a month?"

Disregarding her question, Bellamy jogged towards his car and turned around and smiled at Clarke, "Whatever, Griffin, see you tomorrow."
dt: the meme fam (bc they kept bothering me to update)
hope you guys enjoyed, and just so you know, i'll be updating every day to every other day! :)

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