Chap4&5 Am I ready For This- It Happend

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Me and Miracle was sleep and it was about 8:25 a.m. and she started moaning in her sleep I woke her up and he said that her stomach hurts so I got her some medicine but 20 min after that she started to throw up. It was later in the day and It seemed like every half hour she would throw up and she would complain that her stomach hurt. So I took her to the hospital and told the guys to meet me at the house at noon. We go to the hospital and this happened....
Doctor: ms. Nylon have you had sex in the past 4weeks?
M: um.. *looks at me* yes
Doctor: okay well I'mma runs a few tests on you and I want you to take this cup... You know what to do
M: ok
*30mins later*
Doctor: Well Ms. Nylon I have good news if you want to put it that way but I personally think your too young... But.... Your PREGNANT!!!!
D: 😱
M: omg..... um... can we have a moment
Doctor: sure
D: um before you go can we know y'all far along is she?
Doctor: she'll be 2months in 3days
D: wow.... Thank you
Doctor: anytime I'mma go get your papers and then your all set to go
M: OK thanks
D: damn... How do you feel
M: Domo I'm scared
D: how did this happen
M: about 4 weeks ago when we.... Ya know
D:oh yea... I'm sorry 😔
M: it's.. It's fine just... Can we go home..
D: sure I'll go get out papers here * hands her the keys*meet me in the car
M: okay*wiping her tears before they fall*
*6months later*
Well now you guys know she's pregnant and she is 8months pregnant. And I'm actually nervous for her she has been through so much... And now she has to give birth in a couple weeks. She is sooo moody and she has these weird cravings every now and then... What I mean is she would eat BBQ chips and mustard or Bologna in a taco shell with cheese and mustard like wtf 👎💩. But we had her baby shower not too long ago and the baby has over 500pairs of clothes and shoes and on top of that my sister gets the baby Jordan's every weekend and some clothes.
I walk in and see Miracle washing dishes in the kitchen and I wrap my arms around her and start kissing her as she smiles. Btw yea we are together. 8-30-17 *her moms birthday*.

M: hey bae
D: hey ma
M: did you get it
D:yea its in the dining room
She turns off the water and goes into the dining room to eat. (Pizza, tacos, 3 10pc nuggets and ice cream with Oreos) ik crazy right.

*****😊****CHAPTER 5⃣****😊*****

So I was doing the dishes when I started feeling pains in my stomach that when I heard Domo walk in and I asked him to bring me some food and he went upstairs and took a shower. I was just getting done eat in so I went in the living room to study just when I heard the door bell ring. I answer it and it was Ron, Mike, and Jay.
M: hey guys come in
Guys: hey
J: so how's my little nephew or niece
M:😂the baby is fine
R: yea wait till it's born I'mma spoil the hell outta him or her
Mike: why don't you guys find out the gender
M: we want it to be a surprise that's all
Domo comes downstairs and I go back into the living room and finish studying... Later they guys came in the living room and was playing the game while I went in the kitchen about to cook...
M:AhhHH shit, Ron, somebody aAhh
*Ron and Domo run in the kitchen to see me on the floor*
M: nooooooo
R: Yall come in here its Miracle
*the guys run in*
M: shit Domoooooo!!
J: oh shit look
I look down and my water broke!!
Mike: damn it sound like y'all fuckin.
D:Mike stfu Mann and y'all help me get her to the car.... Jay can you go get her bag
J: yea where
D: upstairs under the bed hurry up bro
D: Bae calm down, breathe mama
M: 😤😩😤😩😧😩
J: already let's go
M: nah its too late y'all gotta call the ambulance!!!
Mike: aaayyye wym Miracle
M: I mean the baby is coming now
D: oh shitt wtf do we do
R: wtf thats yo baby nigga
D: tf ... Do any of y'all niggas how to give birth to a child
M: Aaahhhhh c'mon
D: Woah Woah wyd bae
J: She's pushing dude do somethin
D: idk what to do.. I'm calling the ambulance
J:....alr after that go calm her down I got this
R: what u got nigga
D: the Paramedics are on the way babe...
M: 😩😩😩aaaahhhh
J: I'mma help give this world a baby
Mike: ok ya sure.... Take it away doctor
J: stfu... Now Mike I need towels lots of towels, Ron I need some gloves my nigga, Domo I need you to calm her the hell down
D: alr..... Shhh it's okay bae
J: Miracle I need you to push on the count of 3
M: mmmmmmk
J: ready... 1.... 2... 3!!!!Push
M: 😤😤😤😤😤😤😩😩😩😩
J: good good one more time ma ready go!!!!
M: 😤😤😤😤😤aaahh
D: you doin good baby
M: 😤😤😤
J: nice your doing good ma now one more
M: 😤😤😤😤😰😰😰😷😷😷
Just then I heard a baby's cry then I knew my baby was here.
J: Congrats MiMi you have a son!!!
D: you did it boo😍I'm so proud of you bae
M: thank... You....... Dom-*passes out*
D: baby!!! Bae!!! MIRACLE!!!! OH SHIT BAE CAN U HEAR ME....
R: Miracle... Wake up sis....c'mon ma
Mike: the ambulance is here
Mike ran back out and had them follow him in. Jay started wiping off the baby and told Domo to cut the umbilical cord, then held him in a warm small blanket on the way to the truck.
Ron, and Mike rode together on the way to the hospital....
*Domonic POV*
I was so worried about Miracle.... It's like when I saw her pass out my heart smashed into pieces and no one could put it together. I really love Miracle and if anything happened to her idk what i would do. We were waiting in the waiting room for the doctor to come in and finally he came in...
Doctor: Family of Miracle Nylon
D: yes
*Everyone gathers around the doctor*
Doctor: well we have good news and bad news.... The good news is she will be okay but the bad news is she lost a lot of blood due to the natural birth so we will need blood donated in order for her to be okay
D: Ok well I'll do it
Doctor: I'm afraid that's not possible you don't have the sane blood type as Ms. Jones her blood type is "B" yours is "A" negative.
D: well who has her blood type
Doctor: we don't know yet but were working on it....
Doctor: Mr. Nelson I understand your upset but I need you to calm down we doing everything we can for her I give you my word *looks at him sternly*
Mike: he's right Domo we just gotta hope and pray they can help her
Doctor: for now I need to run test on all of you for blood types if that's okay
Jay: I'll go first
Doctor: alright follow me....
*a few mins later everyone is tested*
The doctor comes back in...
Doctor: ok well we have a match in the results and Ron Howard your blood will be used to save Miracles life
Ron: damn....thats crazy
D: thank you Ron
R: I'm glad I can help
M: so what now
Doctor: well now we give her the blood have her rest and you can take her home tomorrow morning
D: and the baby... where is he?
Doctor: he is just fine and healthy all he needs is a name
D: I'll wait for Miracle to get better so she can choose the name... But till then can I see him
Doctor: sure nurse Tara will show you the way
D: thanks doc
Doctor: anything to help 👍

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