Two: He's Screwed

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Hannah sighed in feigned exasperation as she snatched the newest sticky on her locker.

Are you a magician? Because when I look at you, everyone else disappears.

She hid the smile on her face behind her hair as Mina walked up.

"Is that another one? That's two more since lunch."

"Whoever it is, they're not letting me go anywhere without finding one."

Mina chuckled and leaned against the lockers as Hannah placed her books inside hers. The latter backed up to close it when a hand shot out and beat her to it.


Mina rolled her eyes, but looked amused. Hannah grinned and turned to the dark-haired boy who had his elbow resting on the metal beside her. "Ozzy."

"You know you're the only one that calls me that?" The boy ruffled her hair with a smile.

Hannah swatted him away and crossed her arms. "Osric is too formal. And it makes you sound cooler than you actually are."

He feigned hurt and poked her arm. "I'll have you know that I am the coolest out of all of us."

"Osric, stop spewing nonsense. We all know I'm the coolest," piped a new voice.

Mina pooched her lips to the side and Hannah saw her blush from her peripherals. She turned towards her brother with a roll of her eyes. "Cedric, you're probably the least coolest. If anything, that title falls to Damien."

"Why thank you, Hannah."

Hannah pursed her lips at the blond who walked over. "You didn't win by much."

Damien just shrugged and flicked Ozzy's cheek. "Hear that, Oz? I'm the coolest."

Cedric rolled his eyes and watched as Osric pulled his friend into a headlock before blinking at Hannah.

"Hey, I've known you longest."

Hannah raised a brow and shrugged. "Exactly. I know just how lame you can be. I don't have that with Damien. And technically, I knew Cedric first."

Mina cleared her throat, interrupting the protests that started from the boys. "What're you Brutes doing here? And where's Zeke?"

Hannah smirked at the nickname they'd given the three, but she glanced around for the last Brute. It was true that the blond had yet to show.

Damien fought free and punched Ozzy in the shoulder before turning to her with a mischievous grin. "Zeke had to stay back to talk to the coach. And we heard you've been getting more notes."

Hannah flushed, but couldn't exactly deny it. "Yeah. Today was worse than this whole week combined. I've found seven since this morning."

Osric chuckled and the boys shared a look. Before she could decipher it, however, they all smiled at her. Damien winked at the girls. "Do you two know who it is, yet?"

Mina shook her head and Hannah was happy to see her friend push through the embarrassment of being around her crush. "They're very good at sneaking around. They haven't left any clues."

Hannah narrowed her eyes at the pleased expression that crossed over their faces. "You know something."

"No we don't," Ozzy argued with a scoff.

"I know you, Ozzy. You're a horrible liar. What aren't you telling us?" Hannah frowned, beyond suspicious.

Damien laughed and draped a muscled arm over his friend's shoulders. "We don't know what you mean, Han."

Hannah glared and opened her mouth to ask, no- demand they tell her what they were hiding, when Cedric grinned and cut her off. "We should be going. Coach wanted us for practice."

He waved and sent a wink to his sister before jogging away, the other two in tow. Hannah turned to Mina with a smirk. She was happy to see a similar expression on her face. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"If you're thinking that they know something and it's up to is to find out what, then yes."

Hannah laughed and slung her bag over her shoulder. "C'mon. We can try breaking Cedric when he gets home."

Mina grinned, trailing after her friend as they left the school.

"So... Cedric."

Mina narrowed her eyes. "What about him?"

"Are you going to ask him out yet?" Hannah spun around, walking backwards.

Mina pursed her lips and sighed. "He's the quarterback of our football team and way more popular than both of us combined." Off Hannah's expectant look, she frowned. "So, no. I'm not. And isn't he dating that Sara girl, anyway?"

Hannah shook her head. "Not anymore. They broke it off last week." Good riddance, she added silently. Sara had been a snobby brat that only wanted Cedric for his popularity.

If she was being honest, Hannah didn't know anyone else that would be as perfect for him as Mina. Her friend fell for her brother's charm and kindness long before he climbed the social ladder. And besides that, their aesthetic would kill, what with him with his dark hair and darker eyes and her near platinum blonde curls and light green eyes.

"Whatever. I have no interest in asking him out anytime soon."

Hannah smiled softly and moved back to her side. "I get it. But you never know if you don't try."

"You're really not bothered that your best friend has a huge crush on your brother?"

Hannah chuckled and shook her head. "Why would I be? I can't blame you. Half the female student body likes him. Yeah, it's strange thinking about him like that, but I can't ignore the facts."

Mina grinned, though she rolled her eyes. "You're the strange one. Anyone else would hurl."

Hannah merely shrugged and climbed the steps to her house. She made her way through the small hallway and up the stairs to her bedroom. She closed the door behind Mina and sat on her queen bed. "So... The Brutes obviously know something about the one who's leaving the notes."

Mina nodded and laid back on the gray carpet. Hannah peeked down at her with a grin.

"Cedric is the easiest to convince out of the four. He'll cave eventually."

"He won't know what hit him," Mina said as she glanced up at the other girl, a devious smirk on her face.

Hannah had to agree, and giggled at his obliviousness. Little did he know, the second he stepped through the door, he would be screwed. There was no escaping Mina when she wanted something.

Here's Chapter 2! It took me longer than I'd hoped, and the chapter is shorter than I'd planned, but it's finally up! I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2017 ⏰

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