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2. Elizabeth

I look back down the busy lockers, my cheeks burning like fire. Jason Rose, a tall, popular, blonde Junior, is staring right at me. I rub my arm, which throbs from hitting the ground so hard. I turn into Mr. Dillyn’s classroom. The bell chimes, and everybody races to a take a seat. Carlos waves from the first row, and I roll my eyes jokingly at him. He makes an obnoxious face at me.

“Mr. Gonzalez! If you think that is appropriate during class, then I will have to give you detention. One more strike, and you are out, Carlos,” The teacher nags. I laugh and trudge to the back of the room.

I sit in an empty chair, slumping down to be unnoticed. I look down, zoning out the class discussion. I pull out my sketchbook, and open to a new, fresh page. I look down and  start drawing, letting long strands of hair fall over my face. I flick my wrists, making smooth, delicate lines. Before I know it, though, the next bell chimes. I grab all of my books and shakily stride down to my locker. I switch my History book for my favorite writing notebook. I go to grab something from the top shelf of the locker when suddenly I feel two hands at my waist.

I turn around quickly, dropping all of my things.

“What the heck?” I say, slapping the hands away.

“What’s wrong, babe?” Ryan Lowiss, a tall, cocky, muscular captain of the basketball team stands, wearing a black t-shirt and spiked black hair. He tries to grab my hips again.

“Don’t call me that,” I say, pulling away, “I’m not your ‘babe’. Get away from me.”

“What’s the matter?” He asks, pushing back my hair, and pushing his face close to mine.

“Get awa-” He cuts me off, putting his lips against mine. I choke on the smell of cigarette smoke that lingers around his presence. I instinctively kick him in the shin. He yelps, stumbling backward.

“What the hell?” He yells, grabbing my arm. I close my eyes and swing my fist towards his face. I feel the impact of my knuckles against his cheek. He propels backwards, landing hard agianst the floor.

“Ah!” He screams, rubbing his face. I gather all my books right as Principal Melbrook shows up next to my locker.

“Elizabeth! You know that kind of behavior is not tolorated at this establishment.” He kneels down by Ryan, who’s still moaning in pain, “go down to the nurse’s office and get some ice for your face, I’ll have a talk with you later. But as for you, Miss Micheals, have detention after school today. I can’t believe you, of all people, would pull a stunt like this.” he shakes his head in disappointment. I nod my head and fight back oncoming tears.

I feel rage built up inside of me. I hate Ryan so much. He’s always chasing after everything he can’t have, including me. He’s always trying to get in someone’s pants. Almost every day, he comes up to me and asks me out.

Instead of heading to my next class, I sit in the girl’s locker room and cry until the last bell echoes across the school. I get up, after I’m sure almost everyone is gone, and go to the detention hall.

When I get inside the empty room, I take a seat in the back. People, delinquents, start filing in. I fight back the lump growing in my throat. I tremble, taking out my sketchbook and draw the only thing I can think of.

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