Chapter 21 - Christmas.

Start from the beginning

They spent a couple of hours talking to one another about what they wanted this Christmas as well some plans they had each made concerning the war (those were quickly shot down as no one wanted to talk about the war when Christmas was so close). When it was late into the night the mates all retreated to their rooms so they could receive their gifts.

"So you looking for anything in particular tomorrow?" Fred asked when they were lying in their bed together, he shared a knowing look with his twin who returned it.

"Not really, I have everything I have ever wanted right here." Hadrian said as he snuggled close to his mates who held him close in return.

"Then we can go and tell everyone to return all of the gifts they have gotten you?" George asked with a smirk, Hadrian looked at him with wide and innocent eyes.

"I have presents?" Hadrian asked, he had been so used to not getting anything when with the Dursley's and now that he knew the truth he didn't like all of the presents his 'friends' had given him.

"Of course you do love, everyone loves you so much and they want to show you how much. According to your parents you have some gifts from the Vampire Nation also.

Hadrian looked shocked at that. The twins had been told by Amara and Balthazar that the Royal Family and their friends often received gifts from all of the towns people, this meant everyone would be getting more presents then they had ever gotten.

"But I am no one." Hadrian protested.

"You are their Prince and friend Hadrian, I'm surprised you weren't expecting this to happen." George said with a smirk on his face.

"You have many people who care about you now love, they want to show you that you are cared for." Fred finished. With that said they settled down into the bed and bid one another goodnight before quickly falling asleep.

(Christmas Day.)

Hadrian was woken up his two familiars Salazar and Crimson, one of them hissing at him and the other trilling happily.

"Okay you two, I'm up." Hadrian sat up and yawned before looking at his two sleeping mates. That is when he remembered what day it was. "OMG it's Christmas! Fred, George wake up!" Hadrian yelled shaking his two mates until they woke.

"Hadrian come on, let us sleep." Fred moaned before snuggling back into the sheets.

"No, wake up! It's Christmas!" Hadrian yelled at them, he once more pulled the covers from the two red-headed males, which they both groaned at. However as soon as the words registered in their minds they were up and out of the bed.

"Christmas!" Fred and George yelled at the same time, this caused Hadrian to cover his sensitive ears.

They kissed each other happily before getting dressed and leaving the room. They made their way to the large living room only to find that they were the last ones there.

"It's about damn time you three got here, we've all been here at least an hour." Sirius grumbled, Fenrir hit the Grimm on the back of the head playfully.

"Well why didn't you wake us?" Hadrian questioned.

"Because your two familiars would not let us into the room, we had no clue what they were saying but they would not let us enter." Charlie explained, Tom had not been with them so they weren't able to understand Salazar.

"Well everyone is here now so let's begin." Amara said. They walked into a large room and it was filled with presents. "These are from the Vampire Nation, there are some for each person in this room. As well as this there are also some gifts for Hadrian, me and Balthazar from other Nations who are welcoming him back. The presents from one another are in another room." Amara explained, this had everyone in shock.

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