14 / Letting Go

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Castiel and Gabriel come over to the Winchesters. Dean takes Cas up to his room and while kissing, Castiel finds Dean's fresh scars. Dean embarrassed, tries to hide himself. Castiel on the other hand, decides to kiss every scar on Dean's body. Dean finds this hard and emotional, making him cry which is embarrassing to him. Dean shows Castiel his thighs scars and Castiel kisses every of those, too. Because his thighs are so close to Dean's dick, it turns him on. Castiel finishes kissing him and stand up, hugging Dean. In the process of showing all his scars, Dean takes off his pants, Castiel following.

Warning: smut ;)

Chapter Fourteen:

Castiel's POV:

My underwear was getting tighter. I could feel Dean's boner against mine. I wanted to reach out but was I even ready to? I loved Dean, but it had only been 2 weeks. Well 1 kinda. I still wanted him badly. I wrapped him arms tighter around his back. I just wanted to hold him right now, just bask in his presence. I loved every single bit of him, even the scarred parts. I couldn't imagine hurting someone so perfect as he was. His warm hands rubbed up and down my back, his fingers tracing along my backbone. I decided something then, I would have sex with him. We both wanted to, but would it ruin our relationship? Would he have sex with me and then just stop everything that he did? I will wait one more week. How did you even have gay sex? Like full sex sex, like anal? I wanted to touch his dick, that wasn't sex right?

I let my fingers fall down his chest, outlining his muscles. My fingers were soon at his elastic, I could feel some of his pubic hairs. His dick hardened more so. I swallowed slowly, letting my fingers go down. I didn't go into his underwear, I just went over. He sucked in air through his teeth. I palmed his boner slowly and then faster. I could feel his sweat on his back. My finger tips were tingling, shivers running through my body. He moaned, his head falling to my shoulder.

"God dammit Cas!" Dean pushed me to the bed, breathing hard. He pressed himself down on me, grabbing my dick. He palmed me hard and fast, his fingers working quickly and perfectly. I moaned, my fingers in his hair. He kissed my chest, licking every kiss or so. His fingers went up my body and then to the bed. He pushed himself up and bucked his hips against mine, I moaned louder. He moaned, too. My fingers holding his hair tightly. Was this sex? He rubbed his dick to mine, making me moan. He clenched his teeth, rubbing faster.

"Dean...Dean...Dean...Dean!" I breathed heavier and heavier. I peaked. I heard that from sex ed, when you were pleasured sexually you could get an organsm and you peaked. I clenched my teeth, trying not to moan. Dean kissed me, capturing the moan. He fell off me, breathing heavily and sweaty. I laid my sweaty hand on his chest. His chest rose and fell with quick, smooth strides. I turned my head to look at him and he turned his head to me. We both smiled at each other and kissed, sweaty lips to sweaty lips. The kiss didn't get heated like it usually did, we just kept it soft and sweet. We stopped kissing, our lips coming apart but still brushing each other. I put my hand on Dean's warm cheek, slowly cooling down.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up, you can stay here." Dean leaned over and kissed my cheek, getting up and picking up a pair of sweatpants. My eyes flickered to his cuts, I wanted to kiss them again. He closed the door, letting me clean myself.


Dean's POV:

I cleaned myself up and put my sweats on. I looked at my arms, they suddenly didn't seem so bad to have cuts on them. I found the tissue paper that held my only blade. I walked out of my bathroom and knocked on my door, still holding it. Cas opened the door and smiled at me. He looked at the paper, taking my hand to pull me in my room.

"Cas," I sat down next to him on my bed. I unfolded the soft paper and put it into his hand. "Take this away, flush it down the toilet." I looked away, I felt like crying again. He took the blade carefully, looking at it with his piercing blue eyes. His beautiful eyes went to me and softened. He nodded and pulled me up. We walked into the bathroom, his fingers inter-winded with mine. He leaned over and lifted the toilet seat.

Cas turned to me, "Let's take a video. To remember this by." I smiled and nodded, running into my room and getting my phone. I came back and started the video. I brought the camera up, focussing up on Cas's smiling face. He walked over blushing, "Dean! Don't take a video of me!" Cas smiled, walking behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He still held the blade. He pushed me to the toilet. I held my phone in my hands that leaned on Cas's. He took the phone and gave my the blade.

"C'mon babe, you can do it." Cas smiled into my shoulder. I swallowed, squeezing the blade in my hand. I held it above the toilet and I just let it go. It plopped into the water with a little splash. I reached out and flushed the toilet. Castiel smiled and I turned my head to him. He turned the camera to just our faces, and then he kissed me. His arms around me, kissing me, on camera. He turned off the video and set it down, pressing his forehead into my shoulder. We rocked on our heels together, swaying side to side. Our arms were tangled together, standing in our underwear and sweats. I noticed then that he was wearing a pair of my boxers, what a dork.

There was a knock on the door, "Would you hurry the hell up?" It was Gabriel's voice. Cas turned to the door, but I pulled him back. I kissed his neck, nibbling.

"Dean, we have to let him in." Cas smirked, trying to get to the door. He won, and opened it. I still hadn't pulled away, but I stopped kissing. My eyes just could see past Castiel's shoulder, my nose and lips pressing into him. Gabriel and Sam were both standing at the door and cringing.

"Ew," Sammy frowned. Cas smiled and flopped out of the bathroom, me holding on and my phone in his hand. As we shuffled by, Cas ruffled Gabriel's hair and smiled broadly. He was so fucking cute and weird. We somehow made our way back into my room, falling onto my bed. I pulled Cas ontop of me, I never wanted to let go.

"Hey you two nasties wanna watch a movie?" Sammy called from the hall.

Cas was in a chipper mood today, "Sure, what are the options?" I decided to mess with him. I turned him around, pulling him into me. I bit my lip seductively, caressing his face. I brushed my lips down his neck, my hands feeling his chest. He clenched his teeth, probably trying not to moan. I even bucked my waist a little bit, just to turn him on. The boxers he wore got a little tighter. My sweats defiantly got tighter as I nibbled at his chest.

"Uh, we got all the Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and some disney. We could always do a Doctor Who marathon." Sammy sounded like he was shuffling through movies.

"How about all of them, in that order!" Cas kind of growled, his voice deep and rough. I wrapped my arms around his back, my face in his chest. I was sitting and he was standing, leaning in to me. I kept nibbling at his chest, tasting his smooth skin.

Sammy walked past the door, "OK how about we go down now-" He shrieked and ran off, followed by Gabriel who shrieked aswell.

Cas pushed away, "You're so bad!" I smiled, nuzzling my nose against his chest again. He pushed away, "Stoppit! Let's get some shirts on!" He flopped out of my arms and went inside my closet. He took out my ACDC shirt and pulled it on. I watched his muscles move along with his movements, tensing and relaxing. I wanted to outline each one. Cas glanced over at me, taking a random shirt and throwing it at me. It read "I Wuv Hugz" on it. Sammy had given it to me. There's this one picture of me as a little kid wearing a smaller version with my mom and somehow, Sammy found a bigger one and had given it to me. I glared at him and pulled it on. I stood up, smoothing out the shirt. Cas read it and smirked, "Do you wuv hugz?"

"I wuv Cas hugz," I pulled him into a hug, my nose in his neck.

I could feel him smile into my shoulder, "Let's go cuddle, huggy bear."

"Huggy bear?" He pulled on my hand, pulling me downstairs. He smiled and nodded at the bear on my shirt. I smirked and followed him.

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