4 / Looking at Lips

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Chapter Four:

Dean's POV:

I smiled as I walked to school. Yesterday was awesome, texting Cas. We texted for hours! He helped me with math and then I talked to him about leaving today. He just let me vent and rant and it was perfect. Cas was perfect. We both had to go to dinner. It then we texted again. We talked about tv and books and just about anything. But then we said goodnight and we sent lots of smiley faces! Why am I so excited about this? It's just some smiley faces, what's the biggie.

I walked past Cas's house, I had officially started calling him that now. He said he would use it but he would need my help to get used to it. I started to walk slower, I didn't know if he had already left. He didn't come out of his huge house, so I looked down at the sidewalk and kept going.

"Dean!" Charlie called from behind me. She ran up to me, "Where are you going? C'mon let's wait for Castiel." I nodded, trying to act casual. "So, what's up. I gave you my number and you didn't text me once."

I started to blush, "Sorry I was texting Cas." We waited on his porch, Charlie buzzing the doorbell.

"You what?! You actually texted him, like had a full on conversation!" Her eyes got huge.

I nodded, "Yeah he helped me with homework and stuff. We talked for a few hours." I pulled out my phone, "Should I text him we're outside?"

Charlie nodded, "You better let me see those texts later. You gotta promise." She stuck out her pinkie finger.

I hooked mine to hers, "I promise you weirdo."

Cas, Charlie and I are outside. Get your ass down here. :) -DW

Ok, I'll be right down :) -CN

"He says he'll be right down," I looked up. I shoved my phone in my pocket so Charlie could grab it. I felt so weird, and so happy. Like 12 year old girl hooked on a crush. It felt so awkward, totally not my style to be hung up and mooning over some guy. I'm usually pretty laid back, but this kid Cas I don't even know. I guess I just really, really, really like him.

"We should all hang out later today," Charlie smiled, leaning against the doorframe.

"Can't, I gotta go for two weeks." I tried to sound casual.

"Why?!" Charlie slapped my arm.

"My dad wants to take my and my brother for some lame thing." I turned and leaned on the railing on Cas's porch.

"Hello Dean," a deep husky voice came from behind me. Cas's voice have my chiles up my spine, the hairs on the back of my neck raised.

I turned around casually, "Hey Cas." And then my mouth fell open. Not like in the cartoons, but it was open. Cas looked so...perfect. He was wearing a polo, not a long sleeve. His muscles flexed as he held his trench coat. He looked down at himself, "Uh, I heard it was going to be warm today so I decided to dress for the occasion."

Castiel's POV:

Shit, do I look dorky? I tugged in my tie and tried to defend my outfit. Dean had his lips parted, looking at me up and down. I wanted to kiss him so badly, to put my lips between his and out my arms around his back- what the hell am I saying? I shook my head and looked up into his gorgeous eyes. He closed his mouth and smiled, looking away. Where his cheeks pink? Charlie pushed us down the steps, "C'mon guys! Don't get your panties in a bunch, you saw each other yesterday and you guys texted. We're going to be late!"

I turned my head to Dean, he told her. She scooted us closer and went on my right side. Dean glanced at me and weakly smiled. So he did tell her. I looked away. I don't know why but I felt betrayed. Like somehow, him telling her that we texted for hours was like telling her his biggest secret. She already knew but you get the jist. I slid my finger through my hair, I wonder if he told her about the smiley faces? Why was I freaking out? They were just smiley faces! I glanced over at Dean, his eyes were on me. I slid my fingers through my hair again, self conscious. It was really warm and humid, shit! Maybe I had pit stains. I quickly dropped my arms and looked away.

Charlie just looked at us, "Would you two just kiss already?" I looked down blushing like a cherry, I could kinda see Dean in the corner of my eye. I raised my head and looked at him, his eyes weren't on my eyes. They were on me, but somewhere lower than my eyes. He looked up into my eyes and this time he definitely blushed red. I put my fingers to my lips, he was looking at my lips. People only looked at each others' lips when they want to kiss them. That's what Charlie told me. Did Dean want to kiss me?

Dean's POV:

Shit, shit, shit! He saw me looking at his lips. It's not my fault that Cas's lips are perfect. Charlie brought up kissing in the first place so whatever. Cas put his fingers to his lips, shit. He totally knew I was looking at them. I spotted Lisa when we got close to the school.

"Hey!" I called to her.

She came running over, "Hey guys! What's up?"

Charlie smiled an evil grin, but I stopped cut in, "Charlie is you say one word aloud I will kill you." Charlie closed her mouth and pulled out her phone, texting furiously. Lisa giggled and looked down. She gasped and looked backup to Cas and then to me a couple of times. She winked and pulled Charlie off.

Castiel's POV:

"Uhm, girls are weird." Dean frowned, looking at them running.

"I should get going," I looked down a my watch. I wanted to get away, knew I liked him now. I was completely embarrassed. Even if he was hi, he would never like me.

Dean put his hand on my arm. It sent waves of chills through me. "Don't go," he spoke so quietly. My blush was really red so I looked away. He's shook his head, embarrassed probably. His words were very intimate and made me want to kiss him again. I always wanted to kiss him, but there were some moments that I could barely contain myself. "W-we have like 5 minutes. And we have the same class. I could come with you Cas." My blushed cooled down a bit so I turned to look at him. Never mind my blush cooling down, it raised very hot now. Dean was looking at me with big puppy eyes. I couldn't tell if he was pretending or if it was fake. I really wanted to kiss him. I looked at his perfect lips. They looked so soft and beautiful.

Dean's POV:

I have idea what I'm doing. I tightened my grip a little on Cas's arm. His arm was tensed up and muscular. After I started to cover up my little incident in saying 'don't go' like some clingy girl in a chick flick love movie, Cas started to relax a little. Just slightly though. Not a lot to be proud of. He turned his head to me, his cheeks look red like cherries. It was so cute. I looked at him with sad eyes, I wasn't really trying to have sad eyes. They were pretty much real. I empathised them a little to make him stay with me. I wanted so badly to nuzzle him and hug him. His eyes flickered down at my chin. No, not my chin. My lips. He was thinking about kissing me. When someone looks at your lips, they want to kiss you. Charlie told me that yesterday and of course I experienced it. Screw it. I won't kiss him. He might like me, he looks at my lips. At least he wants to kiss me. Screw it all. Even if he doesn't like me back, I'm going to act like he does. I officially really, really, really like totally like Cas.

"Please, Cas. Don't go." I whispered, loosening my grip. His arm fully relaxed. I relaxed too. I didn't let go of his arm, something told me not to. Kids were gathering aroun the doors, paying no notice to me and Cas. I pulled on Cas's arm, pulling him just a little bit closer. His eyes moved back up to mine, and I got lost in them.

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