8 / Text Messages

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Chapter Eight:

Hey Dean, what's up? :) -CN

In the car still. I miss you so much :( -DW

I miss you too. Way more I've ever missed anybody :( -CN

I wish you were here ;( -DW

I wish I was with you. I miss your touch ;( -CN

If I was with you I would kiss you :) -DW

You're making me miss you more! >:( -CN

I'm sorry :( -DW

You're too cute ;) -CN

:) I try just for you -DW

:)) -CN

What's up buttercup? :) -DW

I just finished homework. I'm just texting you now :) -CN

Haha we use smiley faces n stuff a lot x) -DW

It's our way of letting each other know how we're feeling. :) -CN

So you're happy? :) -DW

Yes very much so ;) -CN

I love you -DW

I love you too -CN

I didn't think that needed much of a smiley or anything, it pretty much describes itself :) -DW

Yes it does :) -CN

Oml! This face can me a kissy face! :* -CN

:* :* :* it's my new fav face -DW

:* mine too -CN

We should FaceTime later :* I miss your face -DW

I miss yours too :* -CN

Dean's POV:

"Hey Dean, who're you texting?" His father asked, glancing over at Dean's smiling face.

"Hmm? Oh just my friend. He's really funny!" I smiled broadly, covering up the fact I had a boyfriend. "Would it be OK if I FaceTimed him later? Like, alone?" I risked it, why not.

"Why alone?" My father's brow furrowed.

"Because, I love you dad but I don't exactly want you spying on me and my conversations. It's not like we're boyfriends or anything!" I lied, hoping to persuade him.

"Ok in the morning. Tomorrow I'll be going to the factory and working. I want you and Sammy to come with me the day after that. I want to show you the hoops of the family business." He turned on the radio. A love song started to play. He didn't change it, he just kept his eyes on the road.

:) We can FaceTime tomorrow morning! I mean, if you can. I know you have school :( so it probably won't work out -DW

:) don't worry! I haven't had a sick day in a while I'm sure my mom will let me -CN

:) -DW

Take that smug grin off your face. I'm loosing my perfect attendance for you! :) -CN

All I sent was a smiley face! How does it look smug? :) -DW

I don't need a smiley face to know what your facial expressions are. I know you pretty well Dean :* -CN

Never change Cas :* -DW

I wasn't planning on it :* -CN

I'll brb ok? We just got to the motel and I need to carry Sammy in :) -DW

Ok :) -CN

Castiel's POV:

"Hey Castiel?" My mother knocked on my door. I rubbed his face and put on the best sick face I could do.

"You can come in!" I roughly shouted, turning off my phone and hid it under the covers.

My mom came in and sat at the end of my bed, "Darling! You look sick!"

"I'm OK mom! School work has just been a lot lately. A cold is going around the school, I'm just fighting it off." I lied, trying to get her to investigate. She out her hand on my face, perfect timing before it started to cool off.

"My angel, you're sick. Tomorrow I won't allow you to go to school. I need you to get better so you can focus on your school work. Can Charlie or Lisa text you tomorrow the homework?" I nodded. Thank The Lord she bought it. I never was ever really sick so of course she would fall for it. She kissed my forehead lightly, probably trying not to get my 'cold.' "Goodnight Castiel, I love you! Get some sleep. I'll get out some cans of soup for you tomorrow. Sleep!"

I smiled pretending to be weak, "I love you and thanks mom. Maybe I'll be better in he morning!"

"I doubt it, now, please sleep!" I nodded, snuggling into my pillows. She turned out the light and left. I smiled, pulling out my phone. I turned off the ringer so no one would hear the bings of texts. I had one text from Dean.

Hey baby. Sam's in bed. Is it ok if I call you baby? :) -DW

I would like that very much :) what should I call you? -CN

Idk maybe babe or something. :) babe sounds hot -DW

Ok babe :) -CN

Oh lord (I'm trying to say that now btw) if you call me babe while FaceTiming me I might get a boner :) -DW

My mom thinks I'm sick so I'm staying home tomorrow. Alone of course babe so be warned >:) -CN

Oh no! :* -DW

Oh yes babe :* -CN

You're never not going to stop calling me babe are you? X) -DW

You're my babe so why should I stop? :) and it turns you on and that's a good thing right? -CN

:) it's a notorious thing. I'm kinda in bed next to my little brother so it's kinda weird but he's asleep. -DW

You should get some sleep babe :) -CN

I don't want to stop texting you baby :( -DW

I don't either but you need your sleep! :) -CN

I love you so much :* -DW

I love you more babe :* :* :* :* :* goodnight sweet dreams :* -CN

:* :* :* :* :* I'll have dreams of you :* goodnight :* :* I love you -DW

:* ok stop with the kisses! :) -CN

It's what I would do if I was with you! :*:*:* - DW

Stop making me miss you! :* I love you and now seriously goodnight -CN

:* -DW

:*stop it -CN

:* I love you -DW

I love you too now seriously don't respond again. Sleep! :*:*:* -CN

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