6 / Something to Hide

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Chapter Six:

Castiel's POV:

"What's your next class? Art?" Dean asked as the ending bell rang.

"Nope, each Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays we switch to art classes like Music and Art or gym. If you had gym yesterday today you have your literal art. What did you have yesterday?" I gathered my things. I know, my school is weird. Whatever I was OK with it.

Dean nodded confused, "I had music."

"I had Art yesterday which means gym like you. What teacher?" We started walking down the hall.

Dean pulled a paper out of his butt pocket, "Uh Mrs. Harvell."

"Me too!" Mrs. Harvell was kinda weird, but also nice if you had a conversation with her.

"Wait, as in Ellen Harvell?" Dean scowled for a moment.

Did he know her? "Yeah, why?" I looked at him. I wanted to hold his hand again.

He stuffed the paper back into his pocket, "She's a family friend from a long time ago. I haven't seen her in ages."

I smiled, "Cool. It'll be kinda awkward though."

Dean laughed, "Yeah just a tad."

-P.E gym class-

Dean's POV:

"Hey Ellen," I put my arms around Ellen's shoulders.

"Dean!" She gasped turning around.

"You're so tall! I have seen you in ages! Are you here with your dad? Is Sam here too?" She started to spill questions.

"Slow down! Yeah I'm here with dad and Sam. He's taking us away for two weeks after school today though." In the corner of my eye I saw Cas look down sadly.

Ellen smiled sadly, "At least you're here. You're Dad is sure bad at communication. If I had know you'd be here, I would've let you stay with Jo and I!"

"No, it's fine. We have out own little place." My eyes flickered to Cas and I winked.

"Not a motel? Agh, whatever! It's good to see you Dean! But I am your teacher and you have to call me Mrs. Harvell, OK? Now, go get some uniform on." He pushed me to the boys locker room. Uniform?

"Don't worry, I have a spare set." Cas showed me to the locker room. I can't wear shorts, I can't! What if they were too high? What if someone saw my thighs? I couldn't just let people see... Cas showed me to his locker. He was the only one in the row. He unlocked it and brought out a pair of shorts and sweatpants. Thank God! "Which do you prefer?" Cas smiled softly.

I took the folded sweatpants, "Thanks Cas."

He handed me a shirt and shrugged, "Anything for you." He took off his shirt now, untying his tie and pulling off his shirt. I just kinda stared at his bare chest. It was surprisingly muscular. He always seemed to hide his beauty behind not very tight shirts and his trench coat. He folded his shirt and put it in the locker. Cas's blue gaze fell on me, his cheeks reddening. "Oh, uh, uhm, I'm sorry. I'm used to it just being me. I can uh, turn around, I'm sorry."

I smiled, "Don't be sorry. You're..." I was going to finish my sentence but I decided against it. Instead I pulled off my shirt, showing my bare chest. Cas's lips parted slightly, his eyes looking at me up and down. I smiled, looking at his body. He was just so perfect in every way it seemed possible. He shook his head and pulled on the uniform shirt. Then he took off his pants. I started to pull on my shirt but then there was Cas, in a t-shirt and his boxers. He looked down self consciously and turned away. I parted my lips, "It's OK Cas." I wanted to tell him that he was beautiful and perfect and handsome. I also wanted to compliment his body. That's be weird. I finished pulling my shirt over my head and Cas slipped on his shorts. His legs were beautiful and strong. He looked at me waiting for me to undress.

Castiel's POV:

"Uh, Cas?"

"Yes Dean?"

"Can you uhm, please turn away?" Dean looked down nervously. He looked ashamed, I don't know why really.

I nodded, turning away, "Whatever pleases you." I wanted to see his body, he saw mine, I wanted to know every nook and cranny of Dean Winchester. But he felt ashamed of his down low. Maybe he thought he was too small or something. He'd never be too small, I loved him too much. Did I actually say that? I loved him too much? Oh my Lord, I love him. I wanted to turn around and kiss him, but he didn't want me to look at him. I would respect his wishes I just wished I knew what he was hiding. Maybe he was a girl! Maybe he got boob surgery and somehow got zero scars. OK, he's not a girl.

"You can turn around again, Cas." Dean murmured sheepishly. I turned around, I wasn't expecting him to be looking fabulous or anything. He was just wearing the sweats and t-shirt uniform I'd lent him. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"C'mon," I slipped passed him. He smiled broadly when our bodies touched. He followed me, closely behind. When we walked out I saw his fingers outstretch like he wanted to hold my hand, but then Mrs. Harvell seemed to come out of nowhere. I only liked her because Dean knew her, but otherwise I despised her. She ruined a perfectly good moment for me to hold my Dean's hand. My Dean? What am I crazy? Whatever, he can be mine in my mind. We held hands, that's meant something right? Yes, of course it did. We friggin held hands earlier today. In front of people. Held hands. He liked me, I was so dumb. The realisation finally came crashing down like a rainstorm of bliss. Dean Winchester likes me.

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