And meeting Napstablook and Flowey, getting introduced to the Underground, was nothing like she had ever gone through before. It was learning about a whole new world  (A/N: A WHOLE NEW WOOOOOOOOORLD) in the matter of a day. It was so overwhelming, but at the same time, she savoured that wistful feeling.

Losing them both meant a lot to her, too. It reminded her that she was just a pawn; a slave, a piece of entertainment for Gaster and Chara.

Gaster and Chara.

They were behind all this.

All the scheming.

All the heartbreaks.

They were behind Frisk losing everyone she cared about.

(A/N: except muffet, her parents, but ya know what I me-)

And now, Frisk in the present, surrounded by her friends, who wanted to kill her, she was filled up with so much determination, anger, and anguish, there was only one way to let it all out.

She screamed.

She screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed until the point of where the author is wondering if that's actually how you spell screamed (xD)

She screamed so loudly, everyone, even G, flinched in pain as their hands flew up to cover their ears.

She screamed for so long, no one remembered what it felt like when she wasn't screaming.

She screamed out all of her emotions; like a refreshing moment of euphoria.

Soon, there was nothing left except love. And not LOVE, but love.

And determination.

Love and Determination.

Two of the most important things.

Frisk looked around her, unaware that her scream was so powerful, it caused everyone to fall over 3 ft away from her. Unaware that all of the lights had been turned on and she could see the whole room.

She recognized the two figures that stood by a giant mauve animal head, covering their ears.

They were the ones who did this.

They were the ones who did all of this.

She strode towards them, ignoring G and Undyne and Flowey and Napstablook.

Their attacks hit her, but she was barely fazed by any of them.

It was like she was invincible.

She walked towards Gaster and Chara, repeating those words.

They were the ones who did this.

They were the ones who did this.

They readied themselves, Gaster hiding behind the machine, per usual, while Chara gripped a knife in her hand.

Once Frisk reached her, she was practically glowing with determination. Chara, on the other hand, was shaking with rage. Two powerful emotions, powerful enough to create anything out of the ordinary.

They both struck their weapons with such power, when the glass shard connected with the knife, they were both blinded by light.

When Frisk could see again, she found herself in a room that was entirely white, similar to the one when she reset.

She was trapped in chains, cuffs attached to her joints. Chara lay across from her, the same chains holding her down as well.

Once Chara looked up and saw Frisk, she leapt forward, trying to get to her. Frisk winced as Chara let out an angry growl, looking at Frisk so intently she felt guilty.

Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)Where stories live. Discover now