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A/N: okay okay so I know that Frisk is already in the story and Kitty Cat is technically Frisk but I reaaalllly wanted to add a Kitty Cat and Crowbar Rogue element into the story even though it's echotale and KC and CR are in mafiatale. WORK WITH ME OKAY

Undyne hefted the Monster up so she could look at him. He didn't have any injuries save for the bruises on his head. She noticed the metal rod and turned to Frisk.

"What exactly happened here?"

Frisk opened her mouth, about to speak, but Undyne cut her off and handcuffed the Monster. "Nah, it's alright. G, take her to the station after the clinic, Kay?"

G just smirked before pulling Frisk to the car. Frisk got in the front and turned to him. He had gotten another cigarette out, completely oblivious to the fact that 7 minutes ago he threw away a perfectly good one.

"Ya got family ya need to contact?" G asked, his eyes locked on the road.

The question shocked Frisk. No one had ever asked about her family, which was perfectly fine.

She stared at her hands, not knowing what she should say. Not wanting to say anything.

G glanced at her before putting his eyes on the road again. He waited patiently, knowing she needed time.

"I...." Frisk trailed off. "No. But thank you." She could've told him about her whole life story, but now wasn't the time for that. She needed time.

G sensed her discomfort and didn't push her for answers. Maybe telling her about himself would make her more relaxed.

"I gotta Kitty Cat at home. Real cutie. Melt-your-heart kinda gal. Undyne took her in when I was in prison-"

Frisk cut him off "You were in prison? Wha- How- I-" G smirked at the naïve vibe he was getting from her.

"Yep. Technically I'm still in prison." Frisk scooted away from him and he snickered."but Undyne, being my brothers best bud and all, got me a job. Now all I have to do is pay service to the police force for 2 years and I get 7 years off."

"That doesn't seem very just..." Frisk mumbled. This G character scared her. He scared her because she couldn't read him, like how she could read everyone. The monster who had attacked her had been panicked and done rash things. Undyne, when she met Frisk, had been relieved that they caught another criminal and she wouldn't have to work extra shifts.

But G? Frisk had no idea what he was thinking, or what he would do next. "So, is your cat still staying with Undyne?"

G looked at her and forgot he ever mentioned his Kitty Cat. "Nah, she's staying with me now. Which is a hell of a lot better than staying in a jail cell alone."

They rode in silence after that. Frisk was still trying to figure G out. He was so mysterious. On the other hand, G kept glancing at Frisk. She was cute. Even Undyne had said so.

"We've got a wanted criminal!" Undyne yelled. Everyone started shuffling around in excitement. G went up to Undyne. She was tracking the phone number who had just called. A profile came up. "Frisk," Undyne repeated. G stared at the photo of a smiling woman. Undyne noticed it, and nudged him. "Cute, huh?" Yellow times G's cheeks. "Shut up." He said as Undyne laughed.

G shook that thought out of his mind. She reminded him so much of his Kitty Cat. He wondered if they were related.

Finally, they pulled up to the hospital. The human nurse who assisted was very kind (At least, in Frisk's opinion.) she lead them to a room where a Cat Monster stood. "Hey, Y'all!" She exclaimed when they walked in. "I'm Catty!" She turned to Frisk. "You must be the patient. Okay, so what I need you to do is...." She had Frisk sit on a table. She checked her arms and legs for any damages.

When Catty was looking around her right arm, Frisk nervously said: "Actually, the injury is on my back." But before she finished, the doctor had rolled up her sleeve and was inspecting the cuts on Frisk's right wrist. G's eyes snapped to the cuts. Frisk yelped and pulled her sleeve down and told the doctor the pain was on her back.

"Of course, hon." Catty had asked Frisk to pull up her shirt in the back. Frisk did as told. With a few tests, and a quick X-ray (that made G very uncomfortable), the doctor muttered some things to herself. "Some broken bones in the back, nothing too serious."
She turned to Frisk. "Make sure to rest." She looked at G "Make sure that she rests, Kay?" G just shrugged. Catty sighed and gave Frisk some pills in case her back hurt more than usual.

Catty waved goodbye to them as they left. Frisk gave her a warm smile and waved back. G just kept walking. Catty turned back to her office. "They are so cute." She mumbled to herself.

G opened the door for Frisk. As they walked to the car, G spoke up.
"How old are they?"

Frisk peeked up at his question. "What?"

He gestured to her wrist. "I'm not blind, tulip, I saw those Razer blade marks. How old are they?"

"Tulip?" Frisk asked in confusion. G sent her a stare that said just answer. She cleared her throat. "Quite a Long time ago. Probably 7-8 months."

G didn't want to push her, but he couldn't help himself. "Why?"

Frisk stared at him. Was she detecting fear in his words? She couldn't tell. "I don't believe I have to give you that answer." She said with a huff.

The ride to the police station was equally silent and just as awkward.

When they got there, Undyne was waiting at the front. "Is she hurt?" She asked G. "Some broken bones in the back, nothing fatal." he replied lazily. She scoffed at him, then turned to Frisk. "Come with me." she glared at G. "Back to your office you go." He grinned at Undyne. He saw relief in her eyes. They finally caught another criminal (more like Frisk did.)

Frisk was brought to those rooms with a table and a chair and a mirror that was probably a window on the other side. "Welp," she stated. "This room is usually for criminals. Did I do something wrong?"  Undyne looked at her, surprised, then chuckled. 

Undyne cleared her throat. "Well, as an answer to your question, you're our only witness, so, we-" she was cut off by Frisk pointing at the mirror. "And by 'we' do you mean the people behind that window?" 

Undyne burst out in laughter and mumbled something Frisk couldn't hear.

(A/N: She may or may not have mumbled 'godthiswomanisperfectforg' heheheheh)

"Anyways," Undyne started. "Just remember everything, and tell us. Simple."

So Frisk did.

Once she answered Undyne's questions, and Undyne was satisfied with her encounter, she stood up, opened the door, and gestured to Frisk that she could go. Frisk stood in front of Undyne, and did something that hadn't happened in forever. 

She gave Undyne a hug.

Undyne froze. No one had ever given her a hug in a very long time. It was comforting. She hugged Frisk back. Frisk bade her farewell, and thanked her for helping her. Undyne was shocked at her kindness.

As Frisk exited the police station, she realised that her car was still at the Spider Bakery. 

"Welp." she sighed before starting to walk.

Words: 1258

Resistance (G!Sans x Frisk)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant